DHA brain and disease prevention so that the baby eat smarter

DHA is one of the main components of cells and cell membranes, but it cannot be synthesized by humans and must be obtained from the diet. DHA originates from plant plankton in the sea at the beginning, and plant plankton contains n-3 series of α- Linoleic acid, EPA and DHA are eaten by small fish and form a food chain, which is then eaten by large fish. During the formation of the food chain, α-linolenic acid absorbed by fish is converted back to EPA and DHA. In the form of fish, it accumulates in fish. Among them, the most abundant DHA is fish's orbital fat, followed by fish oil.

Those who have studied evolution should know that before people lived on land, there was a long period of marine life. It was during this period that the human brain had a qualitative change. The reason was that it was exposed to a large amount of DHA substances.

DHA and ARA have a unique feature. On the land, there are few living things, mainly marine life. The most abundant marine organisms are deep-sea fish, and some are deep-sea fish seals. The deep-sea fish DHA is actually also Instead of synthesizing them, the deep-sea seaweed synthesizes DHA and ARA. When they eat seaweed like salmon, they transfer the algae into their bodies. We can convert a linolenic acid and linoleic acid to DHA and ARA that are needed by adults. So it's not bad that we don't have any supplements like our adults. This is mainly because the oil we eat contains alinolenic acid and linoleic acid.

DHA's 3 unique features

DHA is the English abbreviation, translated into Chinese is docosahexaenoic acid. Docosahexaenoic acid is a long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid that is difficult for the body to synthesize and must be obtained from three meals. Therefore, nutrition is called essential fatty acid, which is the brain's cortex and eye retina. One of the main ingredients. According to analysis, DHA accounts for 40% of total brain fat and 50% of retinal fat in the eye. Mainly play three major physiological functions:

The first major function - enhance intelligence

The study found that DHA has an irreplaceable advantage in promoting the development of brain cells, stimulating the extension of brain nerve fibers, increasing brain volume, and enhancing brain acuity. Although there are many kinds of nutrients for brain and brain, the most effective non-DHA is none other than. According to the research data of American scholars, infants who have been supplemented with DHA within 4 months of birth have an index of mental development at 1 year and a half that is 7 points higher than that of an infant of the same age without DHA, and this advantage can be maintained until 4 years. It is not difficult to understand that DHA has become an important material foundation for children's intellectual development. This is also the root of scientists' reputation as “brain gold”.

The second major function - improve vision

Research confirms that DHA is very important for the photo-stimulation of photoreceptor cells in the retina of the eye. It penetrates the retina through the blood, keeps the retinal cells soft and stimulates photoreceptor cells, allowing the external information received by the eye to be rapidly transmitted to the brain, allowing the child to see more. clear. The more clearly the child sees it, the more fully he receives information and stimuli from the outside world, thus indirectly increasing the IQ.

The third major function - to prevent disease

Such as DHA can reduce blood lipids, prevent thrombosis, maintain healthy growth of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, DHA inhibits the formation of proinflammatory precursors and therefore has a certain anti-inflammatory effect, which can protect children from the interference of many inflammatory diseases and grow healthily.

For children, DHA has 6 sources:

1. Breast milk. The content of DHA in colostrum is particularly rich. However, the content of DHA in mother's milk depends on the food structure of three meals. Japan’s mothers eat more fish, with a DHA content of 22% in milk, ranking first in the world; followed by Australia, about 10%; and the United States, with a minimum of 7%.

2. Formula milk powder. Refers to the addition of DHA formula milk powder.

3. Fish. Fish with a high DHA content include salmon, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, sardines, horse mackerel, swordfish, tuna, yellow croaker, Pacific saury, squid, octopus, and flower bonito, per 100 g of fish. DHA content up to 1000 mg or more. For a certain type of fish, the high content of DHA is also the first to promote orbital fat, followed by fish oil. / W. ~& q8 [$ s, M

4. Dried fruits. Such as walnuts, almonds, peanuts, sesame and so on. The alpha-linolenic acid contained therein can be converted into DHA in the human body.

5. Algae.

6. DHA products. There are two kinds on the market: one is from deep-sea fish oil and the other is from algae. The former is derived from fish fat, but there are at least 3 major defects: (1) The content of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) in fish oil is too high, which can make the proportion of DHA too low, which is a big difference from breast milk. In line with the child's physiological needs; (2) Although the DHA content in fish oil is relatively high, but does not contain an important unsaturated fatty acid for brain development - AA (arachidonic acid), and excessive EPA will also Inhibit the formation of AA in the child's body; (3) The fish is contaminated with mercury, lead, or other heavy metals or arsenic and other harmful substances in varying degrees, and the safety is low. In contrast, the advantages of algae are outstanding. They are characterized by high DHA content, low EPA content, and direct extraction from the sea. They do not contain pigments, have high safety and strong antioxidant capacity, and are most beneficial to infants and young children. Therefore, pregnant women and children should prefer algae DHA products.

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