Corn, the north is called sticks, and the south is Baogu. Modern technology has cultivated sweet corn, sweet corn, waxy corn, tender corn, and even black corn.
Corn is rich in nutrients. In addition to containing a variety of nutrients, protein and fat are higher than rice, wheat is high, and half of the fat is linoleic acid, as well as lecithin, vitamin A, and E. Linoleic acid can lower cholesterol and prevent it from depositing on the inner wall of blood vessels. It has a positive effect on the prevention of hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. U.S. scientists used a diet containing corn oil to feed whole milk produced by dairy cows and found a linoleic acid (CLA) that could prevent melanoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, etc. Linoleic acid can eliminate oxygen free radicals in cells, protect DNA (DNA) from damage, prevent cell mutation and induce cancer, and glutathione contained in corn also has anti-cancer effects. Corn germ contains vitamin E, which is particularly rich in it. It can increase body metabolism, regulate nerve and endocrine function, and make subcutaneous tissue rich. Skin cells are elastic and shiny. Nutritionists point out that if 2/3 of the food is rice and 1/3 is corn, the protein utilization rate can be increased from 58% to 71%. This is called protein complementation.
It is better to eat fresh corn with six or seven minutes of ripening, too much water for too much tender, too old starch to increase protein reduction, taste is not good. When corn is washed and cooked, it is best to have soup and thirsty. If you can cook with corn, the antihypertensive effect is even more pronounced.
Corn is rich in nutrients. In addition to containing a variety of nutrients, protein and fat are higher than rice, wheat is high, and half of the fat is linoleic acid, as well as lecithin, vitamin A, and E. Linoleic acid can lower cholesterol and prevent it from depositing on the inner wall of blood vessels. It has a positive effect on the prevention of hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. U.S. scientists used a diet containing corn oil to feed whole milk produced by dairy cows and found a linoleic acid (CLA) that could prevent melanoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, etc. Linoleic acid can eliminate oxygen free radicals in cells, protect DNA (DNA) from damage, prevent cell mutation and induce cancer, and glutathione contained in corn also has anti-cancer effects. Corn germ contains vitamin E, which is particularly rich in it. It can increase body metabolism, regulate nerve and endocrine function, and make subcutaneous tissue rich. Skin cells are elastic and shiny. Nutritionists point out that if 2/3 of the food is rice and 1/3 is corn, the protein utilization rate can be increased from 58% to 71%. This is called protein complementation.
It is better to eat fresh corn with six or seven minutes of ripening, too much water for too much tender, too old starch to increase protein reduction, taste is not good. When corn is washed and cooked, it is best to have soup and thirsty. If you can cook with corn, the antihypertensive effect is even more pronounced.