First, the post-harvest characteristics and storage conditions Although chestnut is a seed, but its physiological characteristics and fresh fruit, easy to live during storage, moldy, dehydration, rot, germination and occurrence of black spot disease, which rotten, pest and water loss is Cause chestnut loss after harvest is an important reason. According to the survey, the annual loss of chestnut in China due to storage is more than 30%, which seriously affects the economic benefits of chestnut. Chestnut storage temperature is 0-2-C, relative humidity 90%-95%, carbon dioxide concentration below 10%, oxygen concentration 3%-5%. Second, before storage preparation 1, chestnut insecticide will be placed chestnut fruit fumigation room (box), altar or cylinder and other sealed containers, fumigation with carbon disulfide insecticide, the amount of 40-50 grams per cubic meter, time is 18- 24 hours. Because the density of carbon disulfide gas is greater than that of air, and it is easy to burn, it is advisable to place the wide mouth bottle of Shengli liquid on the chestnut heap when fumigating, so that the volatile gas sinks to the purpose of killing insects, and at the same time pay attention to the prevention of smoke and fire. In addition, it can also be fumigated with methyl bromide in an amount of 40-56 grams per cubic meter for 3.5-10 hours; or aluminum phosphide fumigation is also effective, the amount is 18-20 grams per cubic meter, the method is the same as above. 2. The antiseptic treatment uses 0.05% of 2.4-D and thiophanate 500 times solution, and soaking the fruit for 3 minutes will obviously reduce the decay. 3, the warehouse disinfection can be used 40% of formalin 1.6-2 kg / 100 cubic meters of the amount, or sulfur powder 10 grams per cubic meter of the amount, sealed fumigation 10-12 hours after ventilation. Third, the storage method and its management 1, sand reservoir sand is the method commonly used in the chestnut production area. Whether it is heaping, ditching or cellaring, wet sand deposits can be used. The specific approach is: in the accumulation of open space, trench bottom or pit bottom, first spread 4-6 cm thick wet sand (with a clean river sand, humidity can be spread out after hand pinch is appropriate), and then put a The layer of chestnut fruit is covered with a layer of wet sand, the thickness of which is generally 60-70 cm, and the top of the sand is again 6-8 cm. After the pile does not need to turn, the sand surface can be sprayed with water if it is dry, this method can be stored for 5-6 months. In addition to wet sand, fresh and moldless water-bearing sawdust, chaff, moss, etc. can be used instead of wet sand to accumulate. The effect is also good. 2. Refrigeration is the best way to preserve fresh chestnuts. The temperature in the refrigerator is controlled at o-°C and the relative humidity is 90%-95%. Chestnuts are packed into hemp sacks, filled with wet moss as filling material, or packed in baskets lined with film, and properly stacked in cold storage. In case of low humidity, they can be sprayed outside the packaging every 4-5 days. Water once. This method stores chestnut fruit with less rot and less weight loss, basically no sprouting, and can maintain good quality and flavor. The storage period can reach 1 year. 3. Atmosphere storage chestnut MAP storage can control oxygen concentration 3%-5%, CO2 concentration at 10% l-, relative humidity 90%-95%, temperature 0-2C. Packaging and stacking methods can be used for cold storage. In addition, it can also use film bags, plastic film account or silicon window bags and other simple atmosphere storage, the effect is better.