Studies have shown that daily supplementation of vitamin C can significantly reduce high blood pressure. The amount of vitamin C supplementation should be 500 mg daily. The study was conducted by scientists at Boston University School of Medicine and Oregon State University and completed with the support of the National Institute of Health. Hypertension is a worldwide disease that, when severe, can lead to heart disease and stroke. Scientists believe this is an important finding, especially for patients with high blood pressure who can work with doctors to reduce blood pressure to an acceptable level without the side effects of common drugs. Do not underestimate the amount of vitamin C that is needed every day. It is as good as some of the antihypertensive prescription drugs. In the trial, 500 mg vitamin C was taken daily. After one month, the high-pressure and low-pressure decreased by 9%. In a word, the patient's high pressure dropped from 155 to 142, and the low pressure dropped from 87 to 79.