Ulcer patient diet hygiene

First of all, we should clarify the concept of food hygiene. It includes two layers of meaning: First, the diet should be clean, and second, what to eat and how to eat should meet the hygiene requirements.

For patients with ulcer disease, due to ulcers in the stomach or duodenum, gastric acid secretion and digestive function have been affected, so pay more attention to food hygiene. Because a reasonable diet is not only important for the gastrointestinal tract but also for the entire body. Good nutrition can enhance the body's resistance in all aspects, but also conducive to the recovery of ulcer disease, on the contrary will increase the condition.

The diet of ulcer patients must be rich in nutrition and easy to digest, so as to supplement the consumption caused by the disease, and at the same time take care of the diseased gastrointestinal tract, and do not make them burdened with the work. Specifically, the following points should be noted.

In order to not only increase the burden on the stomach, but also make proper amount of food in the stomach, so as to neutralize stomach acid, small meals must be eaten in small quantities. In addition to three meals a day, you can add snacks several times. Heavily ill, starting from 7:00 in the morning, eating once every 2 hours, eating 8 times a day. But each time eating can not be too much, do not make excessive expansion of the gastric antrum to reduce gastrin and gastric acid secretion.

Eat digestible foods To reduce the irritation of ulcers, food should contain as little as possible scum, do not eat hard non-digestible food. Such as hard rice, uncooked beans, corn, sorghum rice, celery, leeks, peanuts, ham, sausage, rice cakes, etc. are not easy to digest, or more rough, there is a certain mechanical stimulation of the stomach, can increase the burden on the stomach. It is advisable to eat steamed eggs, porridge, rotten rice, bread, taro, and noodles, as well as poorly cooked meat and fish. You can add rice soup, soy milk, milk, lotus root starch, red egg, etc., but do not eat all kinds of fresh soup. , Because fresh soup can stimulate the secretion of gastric acid. Protein foods stimulate the stomach's secretory function more than sugar or fat, so food can not be too much.

In addition, excessive cold and spicy foods should be avoided. Excessive acid fruits, various types of alcohol, strong tea, coffee, etc., can stimulate the secretion of gastric acid, and it is unfavorable to heal ulcers and should be avoided.

Cooking should be light, frying, frying food because of hard, difficult to chew, stay in the stomach for a long time, increase the burden on the stomach, does not declare consumption.

Should pay attention to the intake of a variety of vitamins, especially vitamin C, can promote the body's redox reaction and regeneration process, accelerate the healing of ulcers. Vitamin B1 has a good effect on the nervous system of the stomach's secretory function. Vitamin A stimulates epithelial growth at the mucosal defect and should be adequately supplied.

Have a good regular eating habits, chewing slowly, avoid overeating. When eating, keep your mind happy and happy.

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