In the market, various similar non-staple foods such as Mei, Li Li, and Special Grade Plum are cold fruits. The process of these products is the same, the flavor is different, but the formula is different. These food raw materials come from semi-finished salt embryos, and the processing techniques are as follows: (1) Desalination of fruit embryos (ie, salt embryos): Change the dry embryos of plum or plum in accordance with the method of three dipping and three exchanges of water (the first 4 hours of water exchange The second 6-hour change of water, and the third 3-hour change of water once, desalting salt embryos, the residual amount of 1% to 2%, and the near-nuclear part of the fruit embryo is slightly salty. Drain the water and dry to the semi-dry state with a dryer or in the sun. Pressing the embryo gently with your fingers is still slightly soft, and it can't be baked or sun dried. (2) Preparation of feed solution: The amount of liquid per 100 kg of semi-dried fruit embryo is as follows: 2.5-3 kg of licorice; 3-5 kg ​​of refined salt; 2-3 kg of sodium cyclamate; 1-2 kg of citric acid; 100 g of potassium sorbate ; Cinnamon, cloves, fennel powder and other 50 grams each. The licorice is first washed and then boiled with 30 kg of water and concentrated to 20 kg. The licorice juice is filtered and then salt, citric acid, cyclamate, and other ingredients are added to make the liquorice immersion liquid. (3) Soaking the embryo: The licorice spice infusion is heated to 80-90°C, and the semi-dried fruit embryo is added while hot, and the embryo is slowly turned to absorb the immersion liquid. Let the semi-dried fruit embryo absorb evenly and keep turning until the fruit embryo absorbs the licorice liquid. (4) Baking: The fruit embryos that have absorbed the licorice liquid are moved into a baking tray and dried at a temperature of 60-70°C until the water content does not exceed 18%. (5) Finished product packaging: This product is a dry food with suitable salinity, suitable for sweetness, sourness, sweetness, and aroma. It has the effect of thirst. In order to meet hygiene requirements, the backward method of traditional sun-finished products should be abolished. In order to comply with the food hygiene law, the addition of large amounts of saccharin to the finished product should be stopped. Currently found that this product pass rate is not high.
The silver needle, also known as the white needle, one of the treasures of White Tea. because of its white, such as silver, the shape of the needle and so named. Silver Needle Tea's aroma is fresh, soup color light yellow, taste fresh and cool, is the best in white tea, known as " beauty " , " king of tea " in tea. Its fresh leaf raw material is all tea bud, pick standard is one bud one leaf, grow about 3 centimeters. The silver needle is suitable for the general population to drink, the taste is warm and cold, has the effect of antipyretic heat treatment and detoxification, and is often used as medicine.
Silver Needle Tea are produced by Joy Tea Co., LTD with high quality and good appearance. Welcome you to visit our company. For inqury, please send mail directly.

Silver Needle Tea
Silver Needle Tea,Silver Needle White Tea,Silver Needle Tea Organic,Jasmine Silver Needle Tea