The nutritional value of rice

Rice is one of the protagonists in people's daily diet; blindly rice, and the deployment of five flavors, can provide almost all the nutrients needed by the body. Rice is flat and sweet; It has the effect of supplementing Chinese Qi, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, benefiting the essence and strengthening the vitality, and the five internal organs, the blood circulation, the Cong ears, the eyesight, the annoyance, the thirst quenching, and the antidiarrheal effect.

main ingredient

The main ingredient of rice is carbohydrates. The protein in rice is mainly rice protein. The composition of amino acids is relatively complete, and the body is easy to digest and absorb. The contents of minerals, dietary fiber, and B vitamins (especially vitamin B1) in brown rice are higher than in polished rice, but the lysine content in rice is low.

Nutrient content

Rice (steamed)

(Mean) : 100g per 100g with edible portion

Heat (kcal): 116 B1

Thiamine (mg): .02

CA Calcium (mg): 7

Protein (g): 2.6

B2 riboflavin (mg): .03

MG Magnesium (mg): 15

Fat (g): .3

B5 Niacin (mg): 1.9

FE Iron (mg): 1.3

Carbohydrates (g): 25.6

VC Vitamin C (mg): 0

MA manganese (mg): .58

Dietary fiber (grams): .3

VE Vitamin E (mg): 0

ZN zinc (mg): .92

Vitamins (micrograms): 0

Cholesterol (mg): 0

CU copper (mg): .06

Carotene (micrograms): .3

Potassium (mg): 30

P phosphorus (mg): 62

Retinol equivalent (micrograms): 70.9

Sodium (mg): 2.5

SE selenium (micrograms): .4

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