1. Precautions for use
(1) Corrosion-resistant cleaning containers such as glass, enamel, and stainless steel.
(2) The powdery coloring agent should be first beaten with a small amount of cold water, and then slowly added to the boiling water with stirring.
(3) The water used must be distilled water or deionized water to avoid the presence of calcium ions causing precipitation of the colorant. The use of a dilute solution is better than a concentrated solution to avoid the presence of insoluble colorants. When using tap water, it is necessary to remove calcium, magnesium, and boil, and use it after cooling.
(4) Excessive exposure will cause the colorant to fade, so it should be protected from light and stored in a dark or opaque container.
(5) When the pigment of the same color is used in combination, the amount thereof should not exceed the allowable amount of a single pigment. For solid beverages and high-sugar juices and fruit-flavored beverages, the amount of pigment added is added according to the dilution factor of the product.
2. The scope of use and the amount of use according to China's "Food Hygiene Standards for the Use of Food Additives" (GB 2760-1996): can be used for high-sugar juice (flavor) or juice (flavor) beverages, carbonated beverages, blended wine, candy, cakes, Green plum, hawthorn products, and side dishes, the maximum use amount is 0.05g/kg; used for red green silk and green cherry (for decoration), the maximum dosage is 0.10g/kg.
Solo Black Garlic,Top Quality,Organic Black Garlic
Wanhe Food Co., Ltd. , http://www.hbblackgarlic.com