In order to accelerate the reproduction of rare breeds, or the need for artistic styling, herbaceous flowers can also be grafted. However, due to the tenderness of herbal cells, the high water content, and the sensitivity to the environment, in order to increase the survival rate, it is necessary to master the operating skills: During the grafting of herbaceous flowers, the plant should grow vigorously and warmly in spring and be carried out on a cloudy day without wind. If the temperature is too low or too high, survival will be affected. The appropriate grafting period can reduce the loss of water from the transpiration of the scion, maintain the water balance of the anvil and ear, and promote the formation of callus. The rootstock and scion of the anvil and panicle should be of the same genus and have strong affinity. This is the key to improving the survival rate. The best selection of shoots, and the anvil, ear old and tender basically the same, is conducive to the formation of callus, improve the survival rate. Grafting method scion. The scion was selected for robust twigs without pests, 3 to 4 cm long, wedged at both sides of the base, noodles 1.5 cm long, and released into the water or contained in the mouth. Cut the anvil. Cut the stems of stems in the appropriate position and cut the top of the stems. Cut a knife in the cross section to a depth slightly longer than the cutting noodles. Embedded scion. The cut scion is rapidly inserted into the anvil incision, so that the anvil and ear are closely anastomosed. Tied. After the scion is inlaid, the grafting interface is tightly wrapped with a film, and the top of the scion is sealed to prevent moisture from evaporating. Bagging. In order to reduce the evaporation of water from the scion, after the grafting is completed, the grafted area is covered with a plastic bag or the whole plant is covered to prevent the wind from withering. Grafting herbal flowers, technology should be skilled, and operation should be quick. The key to managing post-graft management is to shade and moisturize and prevent wilting. Shed shading, to prevent exposure, wind, spray water to keep the air moist. After 7 to 8 days, there was no wilting phenomenon, indicating that the basic survival, 15 to 20 days of solid healing, film and bags can be removed, about 50 days gradually remove the shade.
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