Oregano is miscellaneous and endangers many kinds of vegetable crops. In recent years, it has caused serious damage to vegetables and comprehensive control measures should be adopted. 1. Agricultural control measures Strengthen field management, nurture strong seedlings, increase ventilation and light transmission, prevent leggy and madness, effectively reduce the relative air humidity in the field, and ecologically break the climatic pattern of the occurrence of the tea plant, and reduce the damage. 1 Select a site with good lighting conditions, high dry terrain, and well-drained land. 2 rational dense planting, high and narrow width of row cultivation. 3 The application of organic fertilizer, topdressing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, control the amount of water, after the rain to strengthen the drainage, shallow flooding. Timely pruning and reasonable density. 4 Clear the weeds in the field and the ground and the debris and reduce the number of insects. Diligently inspect and find the affected plants and control them as soon as possible; spray control should be applied when field roll leafing rate reaches 0.5%. 2. Chemical control measures Solanaceous vegetables enter the continuous harvest period in the middle and later stages of growth. It is also the peak period of the tea plant. The biological agent is the first choice for the application of pesticides, followed by the high-efficiency, low-toxicity, low-residue chemical pesticides. Good safety interval. The spray application is mainly in the young part of the upper part of the plant, the back of the leaves, etc. 11.8% Qi Qi Su (avermectin, efford, etc.) EC 3000 times spray, safety intervals of 7 to 10 days. 220% compound Liuyangmycin EC 1000 times spray, interval 7 days. 373% Chloride EC 2500x spray, interval 7 days. 415% of fast-acting ketones (Erbine, Euphorbia, etc.) Emulsion 3000 times spray, interval 40 days. 55% Nissoline EC or WP 1500 times spray, 60 days interval.
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