What are the body's lack of trace elements?

A recent article in the UK’s Daily Record website reveals what the body is suggesting when people suddenly want to eat sweet, salty, meaty or indigestible food.

Have you ever felt the desire for chocolate or carbohydrates? These desires are what the body tells you about the lack of certain substances. The body sends out information to help us maintain vitamin and mineral balance and maintain energy levels.

Nutritionist Shauna Wilkinson of the Nutrition Center of the Daily Record website explained the true meaning of people’s desire for various foods.

Sweets - Chrome


Shona explained: “When you eat, blood sugar rises and then releases insulin. If you consume refined sugar and carbohydrates, they will quickly enter the bloodstream, leading to blood sugar imbalance. The body will release more Insulin is used to deal with the rapid rise in blood sugar. Once processed, blood sugar levels will drop; but because so much insulin is produced, the blood sugar level will drop too low and you will soon feel like eating a piece of chocolate. The more sweets, the more you crave them."

"Make sure you have a nutritious breakfast rich in protein and carbohydrates, such as rye bread with scrambled eggs, and then eat vegetables the next day, which helps you maintain a steady blood sugar level. This means By four o'clock in the afternoon, your blood glucose level will not drop too much and you will need to quickly eat sweets to supplement."

To help you curb the cravings for sugar, Shona suggests people can try chromium, a mineral that helps balance insulin levels and avoid sugar intake in the afternoon.

Chocolate - Magnesium

We may think that we want to eat chocolate, but in fact the body is telling us: We need magnesium.

About 80% of people are thought to lack magnesium in their daily diet.

Shana said: "Magnesium not only supports the immune system through the prevention of inflammation, but also plays a vital role in balancing the nervous system and reducing anxiety. Magnesium is also important for maintaining good bone health. A good way is to eat a dark chocolate (containing 70% cocoa). Make sure you eat enough fish, green vegetables and nuts to maintain the level of magnesium balance in your body."

Salty Foods - Sodium

Shawna said: "If you crave savory foods, it may mean that your body's sodium content is too low - usually caused by dehydration (such as after exercise, illness or drinking). Sodium helps to maintain the body's Water balance and normal blood pressure."

Xiao Na added: "You can quickly supplement with high-sodium content snacks, such as dried anchovy or salted popcorn. Celery and carrots also contain a small amount of this mineral, they can meet your needs for sodium."

Meat - iron

Shawna said: "If you want to eat meat, it means that your body needs iron. There is a popular diet that reduces the intake of red meat, but it is an important cause of iron deficiency. Iron supports the immune system. It plays a crucial role because it helps to transport oxygen throughout the body. Without iron, people become tired and tired. Try to eat red meat at least once a week. Add lentils, spinach, and pumpkin seeds. They are An excellent source of minerals and vitamins."

Indigestible carbohydrate - tryptophan

Xiao Na said: "The craving for carbohydrates is a sign that amino acids are at a low level."

Tryptophan, which is required for the production of serotonin, is a brain chemical that feels happy. It plays a crucial role in the sleep and wakeful cycles and digestive function. Lack of tryptophan results in depression and anxiety. Instead of eating hard-to-digest carbohydrates, try adding a moderate amount of tryptophan protein to your diet, such as turkey, eggs, bananas, and walnuts.

Shaanxi Kang New Pharmaceutical co., Ltd. , https://www.kangnewpharmas.com

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