Cover the cucumber seedlings with a plastic film after 5 leaves of cucumber and when the seedlings are small, which can inhibit the growth of weeds in the soil, reduce nutrient loss, and concentrate nutrients to the cucumber seedlings. In addition, it can also avoid the impact of rain on the slow growth of plants, which is conducive to early fruiting and more fruiting.
Early spring cucumber: Cover with white mulch. Because the ground temperature is low in early spring, the white mulch promotes direct sunlight into the soil. Covering the black mulch will absorb heat but will not conduct heat.
Summer cucumber: cover with black plastic film. Because the black mulch absorbs heat, does not conduct heat, the sun does not penetrate, and the soil is not hot. If the shed is hot and humid, you can temporarily leave the mulch film uncovered, or tear the film to a large extent, so as not to burn the stems and leaves.
Autumn delayed cucumber: cover with black mulch. Field practice has shown that the ground temperature of the white mulch is 8℃-10℃ higher than that of the black mulch, especially after 5 pm, the soil under the white mulch is hot, and the top of the black mulch is hot and cool.
Overwintering cucumber: Cover with white mulch to promote direct sunlight to the soil, increase the ground temperature and protect the root system.
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