Achieving full coverage of infant and child immunity still requires global efforts
July 20, 2018 Source: Chinese Journal of Science
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According to the statement, in 2017, about 123 million infants and young children in the world were vaccinated with at least one dose of vaccination, with a coverage rate of 90%. Since 2015, the proportion of infants and young children who have been vaccinated three times with DTP has been maintained at 85%. However, since 2010, the coverage of DPT vaccines in Africa has remained at 72%, although this proportion is still low given the population growth factor.
According to the WHO, in order to achieve comprehensive immunization coverage, WHO estimates that there are still 20 million children in the world who need to be fully vaccinated three times, about 45 million children need a second measles vaccine, and another 76 million Children need to be vaccinated 3 times with pneumococcal vaccine. These vaccines are self-evident because they prevent children from becoming seriously ill, disabled or even die from infection-related pathogens.
WHO calls for achieving these goals in a concerted global effort, especially for children living in conflict-affected countries.
Although vaccines for major childhood diseases such as rotavirus (causing diarrhea) and pneumonia have existed for more than 10 years, coverage of these vaccines remains low. In 2017, the global coverage of rotavirus vaccine was only 28%, and the coverage of pneumococcal vaccine was only 44%. WHO emphasizes that these two vaccines can significantly reduce the mortality rate of children under five years of age and are extremely important for achieving the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals. (Liu Qu)
MLPA ( Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) method detects multiple copy number changes of genes or loci sites. Nowadays, MLPA is used to check large numbers of hereditary disorders and tumour profiling.Since Dutch Scientist Jan Schouten first invented it, the MLPA method was first published in 2002 'Nucleic Acid Research'. The principle of the MLPA is to apply the specific probe design targeting a region of interest on each sample DNA. MLPA method consists of the following steps:
Denaturation > Hybridization Ligation > PCR MLPA Amplificons Capillary Electrophoresis >Data Analysis
PCR reaction consists of the three steps: denaturation, primer annealing and primer elongation. Those steps of PCR amplification are repeated many times. The fluorescence-labeled primers, which will go through the capillary electrophoresis to pass a detector, are incorporated into the size of the amplification products. The measured fluorescence was visualized as a peak pattern, the so-called electropherogram. The raw data from the capillary electrophoresis analyzer forms the input of the MLPA analysis.
The genetic analyzers of Superyears Gene can be used not only for Sanger sequencing but also for fragment analysis. Fragment analysis First, it obtains the fluorescence-labelled DNA fragments, performs the capillary electrophoresis using a Genetic Analyzer and compares the sample's relative size standard with the designed size standard markers through the analysis software.
The genetic analyzer of Superyears Gene can be used in the capillary electrophoresis during the process of the MLPA experiment, and the data obtained can be used for (compatible) professional analysis software.
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Nanjing Superyears Gene Technology Co., Ltd. ,