According to the American Fun Science website reported on the 17th, the British Nafield Bioethics Association recently released a report that the DNA in the nucleus of human embryos, sperm or egg cells can be modified by gene editing technology under the conditions of scientific and social influences (deoxygenation). RNA) "ethically acceptable".
The Nuffield Bioethics Association is an independent institution based in London that focuses on the ethical dilemmas that arise in the advancement of biology and medical technology. The latest report issued by the Association, Gene Editing and Human Reproduction: Social and Ethical Issues, says that genetic editing tools represent a “new approach†to reproductive choice that will have a profound impact on individuals and society.
According to the association, scientists now know that there are more than 4,000 hereditary monogenic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, affecting more than 1% of newborns worldwide, and genetic editing techniques can help prevent these diseases.
But the report points out that the use of "hereditary genetic editing interventions" must meet two preconditions: first, it must be to ensure and meet the well-being of future babies; second, it is in line with social justice and solidarity and does not increase discrimination and division.
At present, the United Kingdom allows human embryo research, but English law does not allow human embryos to be transplanted into the uterus after genetic editing intervention. Therefore, if genetically modified embryos, sperm and egg cells are to be used for reproductive purposes, the relevant laws must be amended first.
The report also believes that the legalization of “hereditary gene editing intervention†is not impossible, but it must be widely and fully discussed before its application and various potentials, and further research to establish clinical safety standards, fully Assess its negative impact on individuals, groups and society, as well as appropriate monitoring and auditing measures. In addition, if licensed, it must be supervised by the British Bureau of Artificial Insemination and Embryology and used only in the context of clinical research in order to monitor its long-term impact on individuals and groups and implement a “one-in-one review†system.
According to the British "Guardian" reported on the 17th, the new report also encountered a lot of opposition voices, for example, in addition to problems related to babies, people are also worried about the damage that can be caused by the manipulation of genes. And the latest research says that the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology is not as safe as scientists had previously thought. (Reporter Liu Xia)
Since its inception, gene editing technology has been found to make a difference in repairing neonatal congenital diseases. However, there is still a huge gap between “thinking useful†and “real applicationâ€. In addition to the purely medical and technical challenges associated with “availableâ€, there are ethical, legal, and even religious issues related to “availabilityâ€. From this point of view, the ancient England has clearly taken a more open step.
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