"Invisible organs" are associated with the brain. Close gut microbiome can alter immune cell activity in the brain.

"Invisible organs" are associated with the brain. Close gut microbiome can alter immune cell activity in the brain.

June 13, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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The British journal Nature recently published a neuroscience research online: a team of American scientists discovered through mouse experiments that changes in the gut microbiota changed the activity of immune cells in the brain of mice with multiple sclerosis (MS). . This study expands our understanding of the interaction between the gut and the brain and helps develop new therapies for multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases.

Thousands of trillions of bacteria live in the intestines of living things. They are called "invisible organs" and have been shown to be associated with many diseases. Recently, scientists have revealed a disease associated with intestinal bacteria, multiple sclerosis. This is one of the most common central nervous system demyelinating diseases, with complex symptoms and signs that can cause muscle weakness, blindness and even death, affecting the health and life of 2.5 million people worldwide. In patients with multiple sclerosis, the brain's usually silent immune system is awakened, and non-neuronal cells (microglia and astrocytes) are activated.

This time, Francisco Quintana, a scientist at Harvard Medical School in the United States, and colleagues showed how metabolites of dietary tryptophan produced by intestinal bacteria in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis, how to suppress these two types The proinflammatory activity of cells. Their further study of brain tissue in multiple sclerosis suggests that similar mechanisms exist in the human brain.

The researchers found that when the metabolites of dietary tryptophan bind to specific receptors on the cell surface, the activity of these immune cells changes. The same receptor will also bind to other naturally occurring compounds, including derivatives from plants such as broccoli.

In the accompanying news and opinion article, Hamt Wickler of the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology in Germany said that in the future or one day, therapies targeting related molecular pathway components will prove to be useful for treatment. Multiple sclerosis, at the same time, this study also means that inflammatory brain diseases can be inhibited indirectly through the intestinal tract, for example, by developing microbial-based drugs to improve the condition. (Reporter Zhang Mengran)

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