Pyraclostrobin has good bactericidal properties and is a methoxy acrylate fungicide. It is widely recognized by the market, but do you know how to use it? Xiaobian brings everyone to understand the usage and use of pyraclostrobin in various crops.
Related information of pyraclostrobin
The suspension of pyraclostrobin is the best relative to powders and emulsifiable concentrates. In addition to the stricter process, the processing cost is relatively high. Powder is easy to cause pollution, and emulsifiable concentrate is relatively backward in all aspects, so the choice of suspending agent is the best.
2 The mechanism of action of pyraclostrobin is to inhibit mitochondrial respiration of pathogenic fungi. It has a broad spectrum of bactericidal activity and has good activity against almost all fungal pathogens. It has better experimental activity against wheat powdery mildew, leaf blight, red spot disease, rice blast, sheath blight and downy mildew. At the same time, it has both protective and therapeutic effects, has good penetration and internal absorption effects, and can be used as a method for spraying stems and leaves, applying water on the surface, and treating seeds.
3 Compared with azoxystrobin and ether oxystrobin, pyraclostrobin has obvious stronger relative antibacterial activity. It has strong ability to inhibit the spore germination of pathogens, and has significant antibacterial activity against plant pathogens such as cysticercosis, basidiomycetes, deuteromycetes and oomycetes, and has potential therapeutic activity. It can be used to control a variety of crops. Fungal diseases. Pyraclostrobin has strong conductive activity in plants, which can improve crop physiology and enhance crop stress resistance.
4 The control range of pyraclostrobin comprises various crops such as wheat, peanut, rice, vegetables, fruit trees, tobacco, tea trees, ornamental plants, and lawns. Control various diseases such as leaf blight, rust, powdery mildew, downy mildew, blight, anthracnose, scab, brown spot, and blight caused by ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, deuteromycetes and oomycetes. Good for cucumber powdery mildew, downy mildew, banana scab, leaf spot, grape downy mildew, anthracnose, powdery mildew, early blight of tomato and potato, late blight, powdery mildew and leaf blight Control effect. In particular, it has outstanding control effects on the diseases of cereal leaves and spikes, and the yield increase effect is remarkable. It has good control effects on main diseases of beans such as bean leaf spot, rust and anthracnose. It can effectively control peanut brown spot, black spot, snake eye disease, rust and scab. In addition, it has a good control effect on peanut white diarrhea.
5 The general dosage of pyraclostrobin is 15-20 ml to 30 kg of water, but it should be noted that for sensitive crops such as strawberries, the dosage should be appropriately reduced to avoid phytotoxicity.
Some usage on crops
1 Grape: It can be used for the prevention and treatment of downy mildew, powdery mildew, gray mold, brown spot, and brown sugar. The normal dosage is 15 ml with water 30 kg.
2 citrus: can be used for anthrax, sand, scab and other diseases, the amount of 15 ml water 30 kg. It has a good control effect on citrus scab, resin disease and black rot. It can also improve the quality of citrus if it is used interchangeably with other chemicals.
3 pear trees: 20~30g on one acre, evenly sprayed with 60kg of water to prevent pear tree scab, or compound fungicide such as difenoconazole.
4 apple: mainly to prevent fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew, early defoliation, leaf spot and so on. However, it should be noted that it is sensitive to some varieties of Gala.
5 strawberries: the main prevention is mainly, the main anti-white powder, downy mildew, leaf spots and so on. In the early stage, it is prevented by pyrazole when there is no disease, and it can be used when it is used later. For example, downy mildew can be combined with dimethomorph, carbendazim or the like. Experiments have shown that bees are safe for flowering bees below 25 ml of a pot of water, but care should be taken to avoid application at high temperatures and low temperatures. Otherwise, there is a phytotoxicity that cannot be mixed with copper preparations.
6 Onion: Pyraclostrobin has a good preventive effect on fungal diseases such as powdery mildew.
7 watermelon: It can be used in the early stage to prevent the vine, the anthracnose and the blight in the middle and late stage. According to your local situation, you can use it once or twice in the early prevention. You can replenish it during the later treatment. Downy mildew, disease, etc.
8 Cucumber: It works well on cucumbers to prevent downy mildew, powdery mildew, anthracnose, spotted diseases, increase chlorophyll content, increase photosynthesis, reduce plant respiration, and improve crop stress resistance.
1 The timing of use must be advanced, to prevent disease as a protective agent, or to take advantage of the drug at the beginning of the disease, such as before sowing, after emergence, or when planting. At the same time, pyraclostrobin is known for its efficacy and long-lasting effect, and it is still slightly insufficient compared with other targeted fungicides. It is best to use it with other fungicides or with a compounding agent. In addition, the action site of pyraclostrobin is relatively simple, so the resistance is relatively fast. Be sure to control the number of uses during use to avoid accelerated resistance.
2 strong permeability allows pyraclostrobin to be well compatible with the surface of the leaf, greatly improving the prevention effect and duration, but pay attention to the occurrence of phytotoxicity. Especially in the crop seedling nursery period, the crop growth is strong and the high temperature and high humidity conditions, the use concentration of pyraclostrobin will have a certain risk of phytotoxicity.
3 If you want to mix, then be careful not to mix with alkaline disinfectant, do not mix with emulsifiable concentrate. Mix the concentration with other chemicals and do the test. If it is mixed with foliar fertilizer, dissolve the foliar fertilizer first, then pour the pyrazole, and then pour the other things. In addition, pyraclostrobin itself has high penetration, and it is not recommended to add silicone. If it is to be mixed with brassene, it is best to mix it separately after two dilutions. Oxidizing pesticides such as potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, and chlorobromide are not recommended for mixing.
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