Tinnitus can rub the skylight hole

Tinnitus refers to the abnormal sound sensation produced by the human body without the influence of external factors, often caused by auditory disturbances. As the saying goes: “Open the skylight and say something bright.” When there is an obstacle to the reception of outside information in a house, such as lighting and ventilation, opening the top sunroof is the best way. The sunroof of the human body is located above the neck. The sunroof on the deaf ear can be seen as the skylight of the human body. It has the effect of opening the ear, relieving the liver, extinguishing the wind, and concentrating the ears.

The sunroof hole is located in the lateral neck of the human body. After the sternocleidomastoid muscle's posterior edge, Futuo's point is level with the throat. It is an acupuncture point on the hand's small intestine. The heat from the lower part of the body and the small intestine passes through this hole and goes up and down. The point is unobstructed, and the internal heat can be evacuated. The obstruction of the acupuncture points will cause internal heat to accumulate, and tinnitus, deafness, and other hearing abnormalities will occur, and many symptoms such as sore throat and discomfort will occur. Often stimulate the skylight hole, can improve the tinnitus, deafness, sore throat, and other diseases of the upper hole in the body. ▲(禤影妍)

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