The world's first individual cell cloned monkey was born in the Chinese Academy of Sciences
January 25, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Since the successful cloning of "Dolly Sheep" somatic cells in 1997, somatic cell clones of many mammals such as horses, cattle, pigs, and camels have also been successful, but somatic clones of primates similar to humans have not been solved. . Without cloning monkeys, it is difficult to establish animal models that mimic human disease. Researcher Sun Qiang from the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences led a postdoctoral fellow Liu Zhen and others. After five years of hard work, he successfully broke through the frontier of this biology.
"Somatic cells are cells that perform specific functions in tissues or organs." Dr. Liu Zhen said that we removed the nucleus of the monkey oocyte and then injected the somatic cell nucleus to form a cloned embryo. Researcher Sun Qiang said that using somatic cells to effectively perform gene editing in vitro, accurately screen somatic cells with the same genotype, and then use nuclear transfer methods to generate a large number of embryos with the same genotype, and use a female monkey carrier to be born with a batch of genetic editing. A group of monkeys with the same genetic background. This is a key technology for brain science research and development of animal models of human diseases.
The birth of somatic cloned monkeys shows that scientists can produce a large number of model monkeys with the same genetic background within a year. From the perspective of analyzing brain diseases, monkeys from different parents may bring many difficulties to the experiment due to different genetic backgrounds. Monkeys with the same genetic background provide superior conditions for genetically determining brain diseases and developing related drugs. (Reporter Li Daqing)
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