Main points of prevention and control of southern rice black streaked dwarf disease

In recent years, the occurrence of black rice dwarf diseases in southern China has aggravated. Plants become dwarfed when infected with rice, stop growing or even shrink, leaves become shorter and dark green. Infected plants can not normally head, even if they can heading can not normally grouting, resulting in serious reduction in production. The main reason for the dwarf disease is transmission of the disease due to the bite of the virus's tick. If rice lacks fertilizer in the early stage of growth, the disease will be heavy if it grows weakly, the fertilizer and water will be sufficient in the early stage, and if the rice grows vigorously, the incidence will be light. Therefore, to reduce the occurrence of dwarfism and reduce the harm, we must first grasp the prevention and control of rice planthoppers, cut off the spread of the virus and reduce the chance of plant infection. Followed by a good grasp of rice fertilizer management, so that rice plants maintain vigorous growth. Third, pay attention to the inspection of plots in the early stage of rice growth and found that the infected plants were removed in time to reduce pathogens. If the area where the diseased plant is removed is too sparse, it can be transplanted with mud in a dense place and supplemented with healthy seedlings, or in places where the growth is strong and the plants with more tillers are added to the sparse area. Fourth, do a good job of spraying prevention and treatment, the choice of pymetrozine plus naphthalene and ningnanmycin three agents spraying control.

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