Telescopic means anti-heart failure human trials

The 72-year-old McLaren has a diastolic heart failure. He previously sought treatment in Canada, but disappointed. Later, his wife saw online news CORolla implanted cardiac therapy device. After thinking, McLaren said he volunteered to be the first patient to try the therapy.

The principle of CORolla is to create tension on the ventricular wall to help the heart fill the blood. The technology was invented by the heart of the Rumbaum Medical School, Jay Field, and colleagues. Professor Gil Bolotin, head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the School of Medicine, is the leader of the McLaren's surgical team. He said that although many potential applicants are interested in new device transplants, no one wants to be the first to eat. The crab man." The medical center said that McLaren was "mented" after the operation, but did not provide more information about the condition.

Heart failure affects approximately 20 million people worldwide, and more than 40% of patients die within 5 years of diagnosis. About half of these patients are diastolic heart failure diseases. The incidence of the disease increases with age, and women with high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes are high-risk groups. There is currently no effective treatment for this disease in the world. The Israeli Ministry of Health has authorized CORolla to conduct up to ten clinical implant trials.

Source: Technology Daily

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