Rainy kiwifruit spreads to prevent these diseases

Root rot is a devastating fungal disease. It can be transmitted through tools, rain, pests, etc. The leaves of severely damaged plants are yellow and fall off, and the trees are wilting. The high-temperature and rainy seasons from August to September are the peak period of the disease.

Prevention and control methods 1 Construction sites should use loose soil, high organic matter content, well-drained land, planting seedlings should not be too deep, residual debris, diseased roots, stumps in the soil should be cleaned and burned in time; 2 the disease is soil bacteria, 150 times of sodium pentachlorophenol can be used for soil disinfection. The incidence of light can be used 80% of the enzyme zinc 200 to 400 times the liquid or 4% agricultural anti-120 water 200 times to irrigate root.

Root Cancer The disease is a bacterial disease that mainly affects the roots, neck, and roots. The bacteria invade the wound through insect pests. Rain and irrigation water are the media.
Prevention and control methods 1 Do not use a plot with root cancer as a nursery site, do not transfer seedlings from the ward, and transport the seedlings to find that the diseased plants must be burned out, and soak the other seedlings with 2% lime for 1 to 2 minutes. Or soaked with 0.1% Hg for 3 to 5 minutes; 2 lighter plants in the field, split the roots of the soil with a knife to scrape off the tumor, and use 3 to 5 Baume degrees of lime sulfur, or 5% of the bacteria water solution 30 ~ 50 times the liquid, or 100 times liquid of the bacteria off water agent brushing the wound for disinfection and sterilization protection. Plants with severe disease were burned with roots and the soil was fumigated with methyl bromide.

Phytophthora belongs to a fungal disease, which mainly damages the root neck and also harms the root system. Bacteria in the soil in the winter, high temperature, high humidity, more prone to disease when the rain, 8 to September is the peak period of onset.

Prevention and control methods 1 planting seedlings grafting interface must be higher than the ground, the best high ridge shallow planting, watering should be uniform; 2 early onset of the root soil drying apart, scrape the lesions, with 0.1% mercury disinfection; 3 autumn base fertilizer certain Do not use unripe raw goat manure, raw cow dung, raw pig manure, raw chicken manure, and human excrement, especially raw chicken excrement. Not only is it strongly alkaline but also contains a considerable amount of uric acid, which is very toxic to the root system.


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