Nature: Molecular diagnosis will completely break the routine diagnosis and treatment model

Prenatal diagnosis, tumor prediction, and the search for the culprit of unknown infectious diseases. A new technology that has emerged in recent years is linking these unrelated things together. It is molecular diagnosis, doctors are excited, and industry is crazy. For academic journals, it has also published a review, and has published a paper on molecular diagnostics in the medical field.

What kind of technology is it, what profound changes will it bring to medicine? Recently, the Shanghai Medical Association Molecular Diagnostics Specialist Branch was formally established and held its first academic forum. This is China's first molecular diagnostics academic branch. The sponsors are not small. They are Academician Wang Hongyang from the Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital of the Second Military Medical University, Academician He Lin of Shanghai Jiaotong University Bio-X Center, and Academician Zeng Yizhen of Shanghai Children's Hospital. Professor Fan Jia, Dean of Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, and other initiatives were established.

"Molecular diagnostics is a cutting-edge technology that is being explored in many areas such as hereditary diseases, prenatal and postnatal diseases, tumors, microbial infections, metabolic diseases, etc. It is gathering multidisciplinary clinical and research strengths." Department of Experimental Diagnostics, Eastern Hepatobiliary Hospital Director Gao Chunfang, the first director of the Shanghai Medical Association's Molecular Diagnostics Branch, told the reporter.

Breaking routine treatment

Traditional treatment is to apply the same treatment plan to patients with the same type of disease. Molecular diagnosis pays more attention to finding the "difference" between patients and pushes "individualized treatment" forward.

Many people have gone to the hospital for blood tests and urine tests. These clinical tests can help doctors make diagnosis and treatment decisions, but who will pay attention to these inconspicuous tests? Molecular diagnosis turned out to remind us to change this inherent impression.

In the past three decades, molecular diagnostic techniques have continued to advance, including one-generation sequencing, high-throughput sequencing (also known as "second-generation sequencing"), and gene chips. It is widely used in infectious diseases, prenatal and postnatal diseases, genetic diseases, tumors, metabolic diseases and the like.

Among the top 10 key biotechnologies listed in the journal Nature-Genetics that are most promising to contribute to improving the health of countries in the next 5-10 years, the first is molecular diagnostic technology.

A major application of molecular diagnosis in infectious diseases is associated with prenatal and postnatal care. Mothers infected with TORCH (a group of pathogens, including HIV, syphilis, etc.) will have mother-to-child transmission, which may lead to miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, fetal malformation. Previous TORCH testing methods are limited, molecular diagnostic technology can help doctors make more accurate clinical decisions, and is one of the important inspection methods to achieve prenatal and postnatal care.

Non-invasive prenatal genetic testing and third-generation IVF technology are another successful application of molecular diagnostic technology in the field of prenatal and postnatal care. Taking non-invasive prenatal diagnosis as an example, it avoids the risk of traditional invasive diagnosis such as amniocentesis, and uses the gene sequencing technology to sequence the fetal free gene in the maternal peripheral blood to obtain the fetal genetic information, and judge the fetus accordingly. Whether you have some chromosomal diseases. With the push of the "second child" policy, the increase of maternal age, the application of non-invasive prenatal molecular diagnostic technology is of practical significance.

In addition, molecular diagnostics have played an encouraging role in rare diseases, genetic diseases, and chronic diseases. However, what excites scientists most is its prospects in the field of cancer.

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