Researchers are about to successfully develop biomedical grade artificial kidneys

Researchers are getting closer to the goal of successfully creating a functional bioartificial kidney, which is presented at the ASN Kidney Week (November 15-20, 2016) at McCormick Place in Chicago.

Once the bioartificial kidney is successfully developed, it can meet the needs of dialysis or transplantation for millions of patients with kidney failure. A key requirement of such a device is the formation of a "biofilm" consisting of a layer of tight kidney cells on the surface of the artificial membrane and transporting molecules from one side of the cell to the other. In a recent work, Dr. Dimitrios Stamatialis (Twente University, The Netherlands), Dr. Roos Masereeuw (University of Utrecht, the Netherlands), and their research team used conditionally immortalized human proximal renal tubules on polyethersulfone hollow fiber membranes. Epithelial cells (ciPTECs). And they have shown that monolayers do have the function of a live membrane.

Researchers are about to successfully develop biomedical grade artificial kidneys

Professor Stamatialis said: "This study demonstrates that the successful development of a biofilm of ciPTEC monolayers on reproducible hollow fiber membranes is an important step in the development of bioartificial kidney devices. The strategies and methods of this study may be related to other organisms. Artificial organs, such as bioartificial liver or bioartificial pancreas and organs on the chip, such as the kidney on the chip, the lungs on the chip or the development of the liver on the chip."

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