In the world's largest biomedical funding agency, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a little-known algorithm for scoring the impact of research papers has become an important fund management tool.
In 2015, the NIH Portfolio Analysis Office (OPA) designed the tool to more equitably compare the performance of papers from different fields. Today, one of the largest organizations at NIH is using the Relative Rectification Rate (RCR) standard to determine whether certain types of funds receive more revenue than investments. Other funders have also begun to use the RCR provided free of charge by the agency online. In the UK, the biomedical charity, Wellcome Fund, is using RCR to analyze its fund investment results; in Italy, Fondazione Telethon, a charity that supports hereditary diseases, is testing RCR as a way to evaluate its funding options.
“It’s very popular both inside and outside the NIH,†said OPA Director George Santangelo. An 18-person team of scientists, statisticians, and data stewards led by Santangelo was formed five years ago with the goal of designing and analyzing tools funded by the NIH Foundation.
The team was asked to measure which NIH study had the greatest impact. However, team members did not simply choose to make judgments through the journals published in the paper. This method will give higher scores to articles published in highly cited journals, but it also has flaws. For example, important research may be underestimated because it was not published in a core journal. At the same time, simply calculating the number of times cited cannot be judged together should be the idea of ​​a similar paper. For example, the influence of an algebraic paper that has only been cited dozens of times in the field of mathematics may be more influential than the extensively cited cancer research in the field of oncology.
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