DNA can be used as an ultra-efficient nanomachine engine

Release date: 2016-07-15

According to the latest issue of Nature-Communication, Canadian researchers have pioneered a new method of using DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) as a micro-machine engine for detecting viruses, bacteria, cocaine and even metals.

John Brennan, president of the Canadian Institute of Bioanalytical Chemistry and Biointerfaces and director of the Institute of Biointerfaces at McMaster University, said the new platform can be adapted to many applications and DNA nanostructures are highly adaptable. It can detect various targets.

DNA is the most famous genetic material, and it is also a very suitable molecule for programming. It has important applications in the field of engineering synthesis. The new method shapes the separately programmed DNA material into a pair of interlocking circles. The first round is not activated until it is released by the second round, which is like a lock on the bicycle wheel. When the second circle acting as a lock traces to the target substance, it opens and releases the first DNA circle, which quickly copies and creates a signal such as a color change.

Brennan said that the key to the method is that it can be selectively triggered by any substance that needs to be detected. Researchers have now designed "locks" for a key, all of which are made of DNA, and the "key" is ultimately defined by the researchers on how to construct the substance.

Li Yingfu, chairman of the Canadian nucleic acid research team who participated in the study, explained that the idea of ​​DNA nanomachines comes from nature, and that organisms use various nanoscale molecular machines to achieve important cellular functions. This is the first time researchers have designed a DNA-based nanomachine that enables ultra-sensitive detection of a bacterial pathogen. Researchers are now developing DNA nanomachines into user-friendly testing tools that enable rapid detection of a wide range of substances and clinical trials within a year.

Source: Technology Daily

Plant extract

Plant extracts are based on plants as raw materials. According to the needs of the use of the final product extracted, through a physical and chemical extraction and separation process, one or more effective ingredients in the plant are obtained and concentrated, without changing the effective ingredients. The product formed by the structure.
1. According to the content of active ingredients, it can be divided into three types: effective monomer extract, standard extract and ratio extract;
2. Divided into glycosides, acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, terpenes, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc. according to ingredients;
3. According to the product form, it can be divided into vegetable oil, extract, powder, lens, etc.
4. According to the purpose, plant extracts can be divided into natural pigment products, traditional Chinese medicine extract products, extract products and concentrated products.
There are several classifications of some of the best-selling plant extracts in the world. For example, Rhodiola, Ginkgo biloba, Ginseng extracts are used in the field of brain strengthening, nourishment, and prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's; polypeptide extracts of green tea, Citrus aurantium, apple, and bitter gourd Used in weight loss, lowering blood sugar and preventing diabetes; Paclitaxel, tea polyphenols, theanine, bioflavonoids, such as lycopene, anthocyanins, etc. are used in natural anti-cancer fields; licorice, garlic, astragalus, soybean extract Used in the field of human immune system.

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