New artificial synapses can mimic human brain performance

Release date: 2016-06-29

Now, researchers have developed small machines that better simulate the connections between human brain neurons than previous products. Therefore, machines that are similar to the human brain and have similar human capabilities may become a reality. New research may enable robotics, driverless cars, data mining, medical diagnostics, securities trading analysis, and other areas of human-only interactive systems. There is faster development.

The root of the powerful computing power of the human brain lies in his internal connections. Previous studies have shown that the brain has about 100 billion neurons and a connection between 1 trillion neurons. For each connection, or synapse, the neuron emits 10 messages per second.

In principle, the human brain can perform about 10 trillion operations per second. In contrast, the world's fastest supercomputer, China's Tianhe II, can only perform a maximum of about 55 trillion operations per second. However, Previous studies have shown that the human brain consumes about 20 watts of power, which is only enough to light a dim light bulb, while the power consumption of the Tianhe II is about 17.8 megawatts, which is enough to run 900,000 such bulbs. .

Scientists want to create computers that mimic the power and efficiency of the human brain. The development of artificial synapses will be a critical step.

But until now, artificial synapses consumed much more energy than biological synapses. Previous studies have shown that biological neurons consume only 10 femtophores per run, and now the artificial synapse produced by the research team led by Tae-Woo Lee, a material scientist and senior scholar at Pohang University in South Korea, only needs 1.23 femomoles. energy of. The study shows that the future of biological brains will eventually surpass the human brain in terms of energy consumption and storage density, Tae-Woo Lee said.

These artificial synapses are a type of transistor or an electronic switch that simulates the emission of synapses through a switch.

The researchers built 144 synaptic transistors on 4" (10 cm) cells, which are 200 to 300 nanometers (billionths of a meter wide) wide. (The average person's hair is 100,000 nanometers wide.) The miniature size of these devices helps reduce power consumption, the researchers said.

The devices are made of organic materials that are wrapped around each other. These materials can help artificial synapses capture or release electrical ions, mimicking the way biological synapses work.

This artificial synapse mimics the length and flexibility of human nerve fibers. In theory, researchers can simulate the human brain in the form of a 3D grid, but Tae-Woo Lee said that 3D printing can't make such a model. Researchers are developing nano-organic lines that are only a few tens of nanometers wide. They believe that the energy consumption of synaptic transistors can be further reduced by choosing the structure and type of materials.

Source: Omelette Net

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