The following content is taken from the report of Wu Xiaowen and Zhang Weiguang's "Excavation of Gold in Medical Big Data " by analysts of Huachuang Securities. The OFweek Medical Network is only for sharing, and does not represent the viewpoint of this site. The trademark appearing in the report belongs to its legal holder.
Mining gold mines in medical big data
1. The hospital is the key card for medical big data, and the electronic medical record is the core data of medical informationization .
Changes in medical rating: The hospital has collected data on the circulation of 80% of medicines, diagnostic data on medical activities, and data on medical insurance reimbursement. Hospital informationization is a data platform with electronic medical records as the core. Regional medical informationization is a data platform for opening information between hospitals. The core database of medical informationization is electronic medical records.
2. With the potential of new medical reforms, access to medical big data has the basis for policy support.
Since the hospital does not have the power to open electronic medical records and other data, the data between the hospitals and even the hospitals existed in the form of information islands. However, starting from 2013, under the planning of the medical reform of the State Council, in the process of vigorously promoting the grading diagnosis and remote diagnosis and treatment in the Health Planning Commission, the establishment of medical big data has the basis of policy support.
3. The rise of commercial insurance and mobile medical companies is accelerating the formation of a closed loop of medical big data through the power of the market.
Under the predicament of social security's pressure on revenue and expenditure, the scale of commercial health insurance has increased by more than 40%. The mobile medical industry is booming in the context of the traditional medical environment, the Internet's gradual penetration of the medical field, and the advancement of hardware technologies such as sensors. Commercial insurance and mobile medical companies need to be based on core medical big data to ultimately provide services for individuals. The rise of commercial enterprises is accelerating the formation of a closed loop for medical big data.
4. PBM, medical information builders and operators will share this 100 billion-scale cake and recommend Yanhua Intelligent, Weining Software, Wanda Information, and Haihong Holdings.
Yanhua Intelligent has established a joint venture with local governments to participate in smart healthcare and smart retirement projects with the help of local governments to build a medical data platform that integrates hospital information, regional medical information and personal health data. Weining Software has the first-mover advantage of card-based hospitals and is transforming from hospital information technology builders to medical service cloud platforms. Haihong Holdings has access to social security services and access to social security and hospitals to gain strong medical data.
First, the hospital is the key card position for medical big data
(1) Data on medicine, medical care and medical insurance are collected in hospitals
Data on medicine, medical care, and medical insurance are collected in hospitals. Nearly 80% of the medicines are sold in hospitals, patients receive medical services in hospitals, and the big expenses of medical insurance are allocated in hospitals. The hospital is a key card for medical big data.
(2) Electronic medical records are the core data in medical informatization
The most basic and important of the basic database of health care is the electronic medical record database and the resident electronic health record database.
The most important thing in the hospital information system is the electronic medical record system, which builds a hospital information platform with electronic medical records as the core. According to the 2013 China Hospital Informationization Survey, the top five most important application information systems are electronic medical record systems, clinical information systems, digital image storage and exchange systems, computerized medical records, and hospital business management systems.
The regional medical information platform is based on the resident electronic health record. The resident health record database consists of electronic medical records and public health information. The core of the medical records is electronic medical records. The resident health record contains basic personal information, a summary of major hospital and health issues, and a record of major health services, enabling the storage of universal health data and the exchange and circulation of data between medical institutions.
Self-Testing SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Detection Kit (Colloidal Gold-Based)
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Self-Testing SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Detection Kit (Colloidal Gold-Based)