Identification method of melon seed gold

Identification method

Character identification

Root cylindrical, slightly curved, up to 4mm in diameter, yellow-brown on the surface, longitudinal wrinkles, hard, yellow-white cross section. Less branched stems, 10-30cm long, grayish green or grayish brown, puberulent. Leaves shrinking, flattened oval or ovate-lanceolate, 1-3 cm long, 0.5-1 cm wide, lateral veins prominent, apex shortly pointed, base rounded or cuneate, entire, grayish green; petiole short, Fluffy. Inflorescences axillary, the upper inflorescences lower than the apex of the stems; flowers shrank. The capsule is round and flat, about 7mm long, with wide wings, no margins on the edges, and sepals present. Seeds flat ovate; brown, densely pilose, with 3 long-spotted pods at base. Gas slightly, taste slightly hard. It is better to have more leaves and roots.

Microscopic identification

Leaf surface view: The circumflex wall of the lower epidermis cells is wavy, the periplasmic wall has a keratinous texture, the stomatal infinitive or inequality, and 4-6 accessory cells. The pericentral wall of the upper epidermal cell is slightly wavy and the periplasmic wall has a keratinous texture with few stomata. Non-glandular hair cells, a small number of 2 cells, 66-206μm long, often curved, the outer wall of verrucous protrusions, the top often has a protruding head. Leaf parenchyma cells contain calcium oxalate clusters, diameter 20-33μm.



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