Dew-grass cools in autumn, and leaves of dew on the leaves of the grass in the early morning and evening are often covered with dew, and cattle and sheep eating this grass can cause rump swelling. Therefore, grazing cows and sheep in the morning must wait for the sun to rise and the dew to disappear and then go out to grazing. In the evening, we must return to animal husbandry before the dew occurs.
The ramie leaves and stems of the ramie leaf stems that are hit with frost have ricinine, and the cows and sheep are prone to poisoning after eating.
Harvested sorghum, corn sorghum seedlings, corn sorghum seedlings contain large amounts of hydrocyanic acid, cattle and sheep are prone to poisoning after eating. Can not use this two seedlings as a forage of cattle and sheep, can not go to the long sorghum seedlings, corn seedlings in the field to grazing.
The semi-dry, semi-humid sweet potato, sweet potato harvested has already aged, coarse fibers increased, and after a few days of the sun the fibers become softer and more flexible. After the cattle and sheep feed on these flexible and difficult to break crude fibers, In the intestine, they are entangled in clusters, and some are obstructed in the large intestine and small intestine. If the diagnosis and treatment are not timely or unreasonable, the diseased cattle and sheep are very likely to die.
The soft cortex on the soft corn cob on the corn on the cob is soft and sweet, and the cow and sheep love to eat it, especially when the cattle and sheep are often hungry and swallowing. There are also farmers who are not short and do not mix grass and feed the cattle and sheep directly on the entire skin of the cob, which is very dangerous. Because corncob soft skin contains a lot of crude fiber, strong toughness, difficult to chew and digest, often accumulate in the stomach of cattle and sheep, can easily cause obstruction, a long time will ferment, corrupt, produce gas, and produce a large number of toxic substances, Lead to acidosis and body poisoning and death.
Drunk horse grass drunk horse grass generally sprout in early spring, from July to October flowering until late autumn to keep green, plant height 60 cm, leaves long and narrow. Cattle and sheep are very easy to feed and poisoning occurs after eating. Symptoms of poisoning: foaming at the mouth, depression, loss of appetite or depletion, stiff limbs, staggered gait, increased body temperature, and drunkenness. Occasionally, the diseased animals show irritability and nervousness; sometimes the sick animals cannot stand up and fall into a lethargic state, and severe cases of asthma and abdominal pain occur.
The poison celery is also called wild celery. Its toxin (parsley) is mainly concentrated in the rhizomes. Cows and sheep eat poison celery can cause poisoning. The lethal dose of its roots to cattle and sheep is about 70 grams. Symptoms of poisoning: restlessness, runny nose, abdominal drums, diarrhea, foaming at the mouth. Severe various reflexes weakened or disappeared, the pulse speeded up, body temperature decreased, breathing difficulties, trismus, mydriasis, and eventually death.
The rambling flowers are also known as yellow flower grass, yellow azaleas, and the flowers and leaves of Yingshan red flowers contain toxic ingredients such as azaleas, which have strong toxicity to cattle and sheep. The toxin first excited the central nervous system and then inhibited it. Finally, it died of respiratory and cardiovascular central nervous system paralysis. In addition, rhododendron toxins have a stimulatory effect on the digestive tract and can cause gastrointestinal inflammation. Symptoms: Diseased cattle and sheep runny nose, foaming at the mouth, vomiting molars, loss of appetite, rumination, or disappearance, bulging, diarrhea, irritability, and general spasm. When he stood up, his limbs opened, his gait was sturdy, and his pupils first shrank and then heaved, and his heartbeat was irregular. Gastrointestinal peristalsis is enhanced, diarrhea occurs, and bloody mucus is mixed in the feces. Later on, he could not afford to lie down, his body temperature dropped, his heart rate accelerated, and he died of respiratory central nerve palsy.
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