Are test-tube babies the same as normal people in adulthood?

Release date: 2014-02-26

In a recent issue of Journal Fertility and Sterility, a new study says that IVF-born IVFs are better off than normal-pregnant infants when compared to those who are naturally pregnant. The study was written by Jane Halliday from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, which was originally published on The Conversation print edition and published by publishers in Expert Voices: Op-Ed in Live Science & Insights (editorial version of the page: authoritative voice).
What is a test tube baby?
In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) is often called "test tube baby" in China. In fact, in vitro fertilization is a special technique in which the eggs and sperm are taken outside the body, allowing them to complete the fertilization process in an artificially controlled environment, and then transplanting the early embryos into the female uterus in the uterus. It is a child.
Infants born using in vitro fertilization techniques are called test-tube babies, and these children are also grown in the mother's womb. It can be said that "test tube baby technology" is equivalent to "in vitro fertilization".
Why do you need to follow up on the IVF adult life study? Because the embryo was affected by hormone stimulation and in vitro culture environment before the embryo was transferred to the uterus, the long-term safety of IVF has been questioned by the public. In the medical world, the premature birth rate and low birth weight risk of IVF are higher than those of naturally fertilized children.
On the one hand, the origin of the species affects health and disease, which means what happens in the womb has a great impact on health in the future, especially heart health.
On the other hand, global assisted reproductive therapy is becoming more and more common. About 4% of couples around the world choose to intervene in pregnancy to welcome the arrival of “baby”.
As the public is concerned, this complex “in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer” procedure is applied to the most vulnerable stages of life development, and its long-term safety is exactly what it is.
However, a large number of IVF studies have been in place during birth, early childhood or adolescence.
The safety of IVF: There has been a lot of controversy about the safety of IVF. Some literature reports that IVF technology may increase the incidence of certain types of birth defects, and some literature does not find similar findings.
In general, the incidence of birth defects in the offspring of IVF technology is very low, about 2 to 4%.
But around the world, scientists rarely follow up on children born after IVF (test tube baby) after 18 years of age.
Victoria, Australia is the birthplace of in vitro fertilization technology in the 1980s. It provides a full security guarantee for doctor IVF technology and attracts a large number of young people from all over the world.
Research on the life of the IVF group since the start of the project research, the researchers investigated 656 mothers who have been IVF technology, and their children have lived through the first 18 years of life. With their consent, the researchers also interviewed 547 adult "test tube babies" who were between the ages of 18 and 29. The control group tested was: 868 mothers who had not had IVF technology and their 549 adult children.
In this study: IVF (test tube baby) has a similar living condition as NON-IVF (non-test tube baby), they not only have a normal body mass index and adolescent development history, but they also have similar educational levels (including admission to colleges and universities) Ranking and admission score).
The study found that IVF had a higher hospitalization rate and higher asthma and pollen allergy.
However, in reality, the reasons for hospitalization are diverse, and all individuals do not have the same conditions, thus failing to indicate that IVF has high health and development problems.
However, the researchers did find that IVF had a slightly higher chance of contracting asthma and other respiratory allergies (pollen allergy) throughout the study population. Intestinal babies have a respiratory allergy rate of 30% from birth to adulthood, and 23% for normal people.
Similar phenomena have appeared in other research results in the world, but most studies cannot explain this reason accurately. This may be related to in vitro fertilization treatment techniques, or it may be due to parental infertility interventions, or it may be due to some unrelated causes of birth.
From hygiene hypothesis (hygiene hypothesis, a medical hypothesis, refers to the lack of contact with infectious sources, gastrointestinal flora, probiotics and other symbiotic microorganisms and parasites in childhood, thereby inhibiting the normal development of the immune system, thereby increasing the infection allergy In terms of the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases, this may be because IVF parents often take their children to see a doctor, so they are diagnosed with asthma at a higher rate; or because IVF parents are very protective of their own special "Infants" reduce exposure to dust and dirt, which is considered to be a higher risk of post-allergies.
Jane Halliday said: Although our findings are positive, we still need more objective criteria to measure and not just rely on individual assessments. Our team plans to continue to follow the fertility of the IVF group and continue to evaluate their Health status, pay attention to their lifelong medical and health issues for future generations. However, we always believe that the majority of IVF offspring can grow into people who are as healthy as normal babies and enjoy the quality of life and educational resources of ordinary people.

Source: biodiscover

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