Fruit is one of the healthiest diets, but not when it is eaten to maximize its nutritional value? So how to eat fruit nutrition and health? Here are some tips for eating fruit, telling you when to eat what fruit. What fruit to eat in the morning? What fruits to eat before and after meals? How to eat supper fruit and so on.
The best morning to eat apples, pears, grapes.
Eating fruit in the morning can help digestion and absorption, and facilitate bowel movement. Moreover, the fruit's sweet and sour taste can make people feel refreshed in one day. After a person's gastrointestinal rests after a night, the function is still active and the digestive function is not strong. Therefore, fruits with less acidity and less astringent taste, such as apples, pears, and grapes, are very suitable.
Do not eat before meals, cherry tomatoes, oranges, hawthorn, bananas, persimmons.
Some fruits can not be eaten fast before meals, such as cherry tomatoes, oranges, hawthorn, bananas and so on. The cherry fruit contains a soluble astringent. If it is eaten on an empty stomach, it will combine with stomach acid to increase the pressure in the stomach and cause pain. Orange contains a lot of organic acids, fasting food is easy to produce bloating, tannic acid.
Hawthorn sour, fasting food will stomach pain. The higher potassium and magnesium content in bananas, and the fact that they eat bananas on an empty stomach, will increase the amount of magnesium in the blood and inhibit the cardiovascular system. Persimmons have a converging effect. When they encounter stomach acid, they will form persimmon stones that cannot be digested or discharged. After a large number of fasting foods, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting will occur.
After dinner, choose pineapple, papaya, kiwi, orange, and hawthorn.
Bromelain contained in pineapple can help digestion of protein, supplement the deficiency of digestive enzymes in human body, and enhance digestion. Li Shizhen also affirmed in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that pineapple can strengthen the spleen and stomach and solidity. After eating some pineapple, it can be savoury, relieve greasy and help digestion. The papaya enzyme in papaya can help the human body to decompose meat protein and eat a small amount of papaya after a meal, which has a certain effect on preventing gastric ulcer, gastroenteritis and indigestion. Kiwi, orange, hawthorn, etc., rich in organic acids, can increase digestive enzyme activity, promote fat decomposition, and help digestion.
At night sigh, eat longan.
Eating fruit at night is not conducive to digestion, and because the fruit contains too much sugar, it is easy to cause excess calories, leading to obesity. Especially when you eat fruit with high fiber content before going to sleep, your full stomach will affect your sleep, and for people with poor gastrointestinal function, it will hurt your health. However, if you do not sleep well, you can eat a few longan, which has the effect of calming the body and helping you sleep better.
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