Due to the development and application of modern breeding technology, the production performance of ducks has been greatly improved than before, and the requirements for feed and nutrition are also higher. On the other hand, feed accounts for 60% to 80% of the total cost of duck production. Therefore, duck producers with self-made feeds must understand the role of various nutrients and their exact content in various feeds. With reference to feeding standards, the best rations that can meet the nutritional needs of ducks at different stages must be prepared. Reduce feeding costs and increase economic efficiency. Problems to be aware of during the preparation and storage of duck feed:
Ducks often eat mollusks such as fresh fish and small snails. These animals contain a substance called thiamine that can destroy vitamin B1, so ducks are prone to vitamin B1 deficiency. The disease occurs mostly in young ducklings and often occurs within 2 weeks of age. Therefore, in the case of ducks able to eat aquatic animals, it is necessary to increase the vitamin B1 content in the diet, especially in ducklings.
Laying ducks often experience vitamin D deficiency, which is caused by insufficient supply of vitamin D in the diet or insufficient exposure of the birds to sunlight. Diseased waterfowl showed poor growth and development, feathers were unkempt and dull, egg production decreased, shells and soft shell eggs were produced, and eggshells were easily broken. Therefore, it is often necessary to additionally add cod liver oil or vitamin A, D3, E, etc. to the duck feed.
Ducks generally lay eggs in the early morning. Therefore, ducks must maintain a high blood calcium concentration in the early morning, otherwise they will produce sand shell eggs, misshapen eggs, and even cause decreased egg production. When preparing egg-laying duck feeds, it is necessary to have a fast-absorbing calcium source and a slowly-absorbing calcium source. Stone powder and shell powder are usually used as calcium sources at the same time.
Feed ingredients and prepared feeds should be stored in ventilated, dark, and dry places to prevent oxidation of fat in the feed and damage to vitamin A and vitamin E. Place a layer of moisture-proof material between the feed and the ground to prevent feed build-up and mildew. Moldy feed can easily cause duck poisoning, pull diarrhea and so on. In addition, the feed store should pay attention to pest control and rodent damage.
Small Linear head 10MHz/14MHz, 20/30/40/55mm, 25mm
Convex Probe frequency and scan depth, scan angle, head radius: 3.5MHz/5MHz, 90/160/220/305mm, 60°, 60mm
-Image Adjust: BGain, TGC, DYN, Focus, Depth, Harmonic, Denoise, Color Gain, Steer, PRF
-Working system: Apple iOS and Android, Windows
Precision medicalvisualization tool, first aid quick examination, basic examination, wireless ultrasound probe is not only help the medical workers to improve working efficiency, reduce labor intensity and working pressure, but also improve diagnostic confidence and treatment.Minimize diagnostic and treatment errors, complications, sequelae, medical accidents and disputes
Application directions
1. Visualization tools: invasive intervention guide, surgical and therapy guidance.
2. Emergency inspection: ER, ICU, Wild First Aid, battlefieldrescue.
3. Preliminary examination: Ward Inspection, primary clinicexamination medical examination, health screening,home care, family planning, etc.
4. Remote diagnosis, consultation, training: works on smart phone or tablet, easy telecommunications.
Applicable Clinic
Anaesthesia, pain, ICU, urology, nephrology, cardiology, rehabilitation, orthopedics, gynaecology, reproductive, obstetrics, neonatology, pneumology, gastroenterology, hepatological surgery, general surgery, vascular surgery, thyroid surgery, skull surgery, neurology, transplantation, ophthalmology, dermatology, emergency, nursing, inpatient, physical examination, and ER ambulance, primary care, family planning centers, family medicine, home care, nursing home, prisons, plastic surgery, small needle knife/acupuncture treatment clinic, sports medicine, battle field ambulance, disaster ambulance, etc.
Example of usages
Puncture/intervention guide: thyroid ablation, neck vein puncture, subclavian vein puncture, and neck and arm nerves, canal of arantius, spine puncture, radial vein injection, percutaneous renal surgery guide, hemodialysis catheter/thrombosis monitoring, abortion, bile duct puncture, hydropsarticuli extraction, pain therapy and cosmetic surgery, urine catheterization. Emergency inspection:internal bleeding, Pleural effusion, pneumothorax, Atelectasis of lung, Temporal / posterior auricular fistula, pericardial effusion. Daily inspection:thyroid, breast, liver cirrhosis, fatty liver, prostate/pelvics, stroke screening, retinal artery, uterus, follicular monitoring, fetus, musculoskeletal, podiatry, fractures, varicose veins, spleen, bladder/urinary function, urine volume measurement.
Single Head Ultrasound,Portable Linear Ultrasound,Breast Ultrasound Portable,Wireless Ultrasound
Guangzhou Sonostar Technologies Co., Limited , https://www.sonoeye.com