When iron deficiency occurs in crops, it is the first time that the new leaves become chlorotic, and the leaves and veins turn yellow to white and the leaves become smaller.
In the absence of copper in the Gramineae crop, the tip of the crop turns white, and the leaves turn yellow-gray, and the spikes do not appear when severe. When fruit trees are copper-deficient, there are often head blights.
In the early stage of maize deficiency, white seedling disease appeared, and the leaves were chlorogenic. The silking period of the diseased plants was postponed and the grain was lacking in the late growing stage. In the absence of zinc in fruit trees, the leaves become smaller and lobular disease occurs.
When the crop is deficient in manganese, the leaves of the plant turn yellow from green to green, yellow or brown spots and streaks appear, and finally the dead burnt leaves.
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