After late autumn, strawberries gradually enter a dormant period. Strawberry roots are shallow, with temperatures as low as -8°C and temperatures as short as -10°C. Freezing temperatures can occur when the temperature drops again. In severe cases, the plants die and the economic benefits decline. The cold winter measures for strawberry cultivation in winter are mainly covered. Overwintering and protecting the winter cover will help the growth of strawberries. Without careful coverage of the cold-resistant strawberries, it showed late budding, debilitating growth, and a significant reduction in yield.
First, cover time
Every strawberry in the early winter, after a few frost-cryogenic exercises, it is best to cover the soil before the temperature drops to -7°C and when the soil is “frozenâ€. Generally held during November.
Second, cover method
Coverage time. Strawberries are topped with antifreeze before covering cold-proof materials. Irrigation takes place during the period when the soil is about to enter the freezing period and the ground is covered one week after the irrigation.
2. Cover material. A variety of crop stalks, leaves, soft grass, decomposed horse manure, fine rags, etc. can be used. If the soil is covered with cold, it is best to cover a small amount of grass first, then cover the soil, so as not to damage the strawberries when the soil is removed during the spring.
3. Cover thickness. According to the local climate conditions and the insulation properties of the covering materials, the general thickness is 3 to 5 cm, and 200 to 300 kg of grass are used.
4. Coverage method. Covering is best done in two separate steps. After pouring frozen water, it is slightly dry and covered with a part of material. After a few days, the temperature will not rise until it rises again.
5. Set wind barriers to prevent cold. In the densely planted strawberry garden where snow is stable, wind barriers can be set up to prevent cold without ground cover. Wind barriers are set every 10 to 15 meters, and materials such as sorghum stalks, corn stalks, and straw mats can be used. Barrier height 2 to 2.5 meters. Conditional available cold-proof cloth, color steel tile and other materials around the park set up wind barriers, the effect is also very good.
6. Remove cover period. It is generally performed twice in the spring after the chilling season in the following year. The first time when the average temperature is above 0°C, remove the thawed cover. In the case of excessive rain and snow in winter, it must be promptly removed to promote the thawing of the lower layer, which is conducive to sunlight and increase the temperature of the ground. The second time when the strawberry is about to germinate, do not remove the cold protection too late so as not to damage the new stem.
7. Using plastic film cover. A polyethylene transparent film of 0.008 to 0.015 mm thickness was used. After pouring frozen water in the strawberries, wait until the surface is slightly dry, flatten the dough, and then cover the mulch by the direction of the moromi. When the film is covered, the film must be stretched and laid out so that the film is tightly adhered to the surface of the dough. The soil around the film is tightly packed with soil. The middle is then covered with a small mound to prevent the wind from blowing through the film and then covering the cover. Or in areas with snow, direct covering of 10 cm thick wheat straw, thatch, straw, and other materials on the strawberries cover the plastic film, which is better than covering the film with the cover first.
Third, pay attention to matters
1. Coverage time should not be too early or too late. Premature temperatures are high and can easily cause rotten seedlings;
2. To cover the frozen water when wintering is covered, it is good for cold protection.
3. Cover material Try not to select weeds with seeds so as not to cause grass shortage.
4. When the cover is completely withdrawn and the ground is slightly dry, a sweep is performed to remove the dry stems, rotten leaves, and residues to reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases.
5. When covered with mulching film, due to the advance of flowering time after covering, it is vulnerable to frost damage in areas with night frost hazards, and attention needs to be paid to strengthening protection.
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