Delicious vegetables multifunctional

Vegetables, we eat every day, vegetables contain the body's rich in cellulose, vitamins and trace elements and other substances, some of which can inhibit the body's sugar into fat. Therefore, eating vegetables can not only satisfy the appetite but also ensure that the body needs nutrients. Therefore, eating more vegetables is beneficial to weight loss. Here are some simple ways to reduce the weight of vegetables:

Cucumber: Cucumber is a very ideal weight loss vegetable. Qingrejiedu, diuresis and beauty, and contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, niacin, propanol diacid, etc., which propanol acid can inhibit the conversion of sugar into fat. In addition, cucumber can not only be used as a diabetic food, but also has the effect of lowering blood sugar.

Melon: Melon contains a lot of vitamin C and potassium salts, low sodium content, low sodium diuretic, there is heat detoxification, water swelling function, inhibit sugar into fat. Melon has the functions of clearing heat, detoxifying, and diminishing water. Therefore, melon can be used as diet food, especially for patients with hypertension, kidney disease and edema.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain a variety of nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, and vitamins. They have the effect of invigorating the spleen, eliminating food, eliminating heat, detoxifying, and cooling blood. It can reduce the content of cholesterol in blood, prevent arteriosclerosis and reduce weight.

Kelp: Kelp is called "sea vegetables," because of the rich iodine, eat seaweed can prevent goiter. The kelp also has the effect of relieving greasy food; in addition, it also lowers blood cholesterol levels, and thus has therapeutic effects on hypertension, coronary heart disease, and obesity.

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