The corn combine harvester currently under development in China can be roughly divided into four types: backpack type, self-propelled type, corn harvesting table, and towing type.
Knapsack Corn Combine: This is a corn combine harvester that is used in conjunction with a tractor. It can increase the utilization of tractors and lower the price of implements. However, due to the restrictions imposed on tractors, the operating efficiency is low. At present, China has developed single-line, double-line, and three-line products, which are used in combination with small four-wheel and large- and medium-sized tractors. They are divided into front-mounted and side-mounted models according to their installation positions with tractors. The combine harvester does not need to open work lanes.
Self-propelled corn combine harvester: It is a self-propelled corn combine harvester. There are currently three lines and four lines in China. They are characterized by high work efficiency, good work efficiency, and convenient use and maintenance, but their use is unique. . Most of the existing models in the country are the picking pans—pulling rollers—the combination of rakes and chains, and straw smashing devices are of silage type and crushed type.
Maize heads: corn headers also known as corn picking tables, the use of corn headers and wheat-rice combine harvester operations, expand the function of the existing wheat-rice combine harvester, at the same time low prices, in the 1-20000 Around Yuan/Taiwan, at present, domestic development of this type of product is mainly matched with the Xinjiang-2, Jiamusi-3060, and Beijing-2.5 wheat combine harvesters. This type of implement generally does not have an ear collection function and places the spikes on the ground.
Traction corn combine harvester: Traction corn combine harvester is pulled by the tractor, so when the tractor is operating, the tractor will pull the harvester and then pull the harvesting truck. The configuration will be longer, turning and walking are inconvenient. It is mainly used in large-scale farms.
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