Artificial breeding of bay scallops

Indoor artificial nursery for bay scallops includes the following procedures:
The pro-shellfish selection and fattening bay scallops use pro-shell shells that are 5 cm or more in height and require full gonad development. If they are not mature, they are raised and raised. Pro bait fattening bait species are generally flat algae, Nymphalida Chrysoshamma, Chaetoceros, gold algae, etc., can also be used for compound feed. In the 1980s, China's Bay Scallop has been able to artificially control temperature seedlings. Parents raise their fattening in advance under controlled temperature, thus obtaining juveniles earlier and prolonging the growth cycle on the aquaculture. Bay scallops are generally controlled at 20-24°C. The daily temperature of water temperature is 1-2°C. The daily feed amount of bait was: 60,000 - 100,000 cells/ml of Platycladus; diatoms, gold algae 150,000 - 400,000 cells/ml. When fattening, other suitable physical and chemical factors are: pH value of 7.9-8.2; salinity of 25 ‰-28 ‰; total ammonia oxygen content does not exceed 300 khg/m3; light is not more than 500 lux; chemical oxygen consumption is not higher than 2.3 ml/l. After 20-25 days of storage, mature sperm and eggs can be obtained.
Fertilization, hatching of scallops, eggs, stir in fertilization and hatching in purified seawater. The developmental processes of fertilized eggs and larvae of various scallops are similar, and the development time is slightly different. The fertilized eggs go through the multi-cell stage, mulberry stage, blastocyst stage, and bowel stage; the larvae develop rotifers, linear hinged larvae, early larval larvae, late larval larvae, and larval stages after the occurrence of eye spots. Can crawl, the face plate begins to degenerate and disappear, enter the flood season, attach metamorphosis into secondary shells become juveniles.
The larvae were hatched and the hatched larvae were selected. The larvae were stocked with 8-12 larvae per milliliter of water and cultured in separate ponds. The appropriate environmental factors to be controlled for cultivation: water temperature 22-24°C, ammonia level not exceeding 200 Hg/m3; light irradiation below 500 lux; continuous or intermittent aeration, dissolved oxygen not less than 5 mg/L; pH 7.9-8.2; COD is not higher than 2 mg/L. The opening baits are Phalodactylum triangulare, Chrysophyta, and Kestrel. After 3 days, the mixed baits based on Platyclades were fed. The amount fed depends on the amount of stomach contents of the larvae. Change the water twice a day, the temperature difference when changing the water should not exceed 2 °C. In the larval rearing process, in order to prevent water pollution and microbial and bacterial infections, management should be performed for 2-3 times of pool change and bottom drainage. Antibiotics or chelators are put in place to purify water when necessary. Occurrence of eye spots should be promptly placed on the attachment base. Perform intermediate cultivation. Before leaving the pool, it should gradually cool down, drop around 2°C every day, and when it falls close to the natural seawater temperature, it will be raised again in the sea. Double net bags, plastic tubes or cages are used to keep seedlings, and they can also be kept in large-scale shrimp breeding ponds. After 25-30 days of incubation, shells up to 0.5 cm can be sold as commercial seedlings. At the end of the 1980s, China's scallop artificial nursery technology has reached the level of factory production. It can produce 100,000-500 million commercial seedlings per cubic meter of water, with a maximum of 988,000 grains.

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