Laba Porridge for Diet

At the time of the winter, on the day of Laba, people used rice, peanuts, lotus seeds, soybeans, red beans, mung beans, ginkgo, red dates, and other dried fruits to cook the "Laba porridge." Laba porridge is a seasonal snack in China. It has a variety of flavors, sweet fragrance, and rich nutrition. It is an excellent winter food.

Chen Huan-shun, deputy dean of the China Cuisine Institute in Beijing, said that the production of Laba porridge is based on the use of beans and cereals as raw materials. In addition to carbohydrates that are required for normal human diets, these ingredients also contain B vitamins, such as vitamin B1, B2 and B6. , niacin (vitamin PP) and a variety of essential trace elements, protein, fat and dietary fiber and other nutrients.

Laba porridge contains more nutrients than the porridge made from a single raw material can meet the body's multiple nutritional needs. Among them, lotus seeds can replenish qi and spleen, and mung beans have the effect of adjuvant therapy for high blood pressure. Red bean can eliminate edema and cure athlete's foot. Pine nuts can moisten the heart and lungs and regulate the large intestine. Chestnuts can replenish kidney qi and treat lumbar acid and leg weakness.

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