Horseradish is a perennial erect herb for cruciferous plants. It is also known as dried mustard, wasabi, and radish. Originating in eastern Europe and Turkey, it has more than 2,000 years of cultivation history. China's Qingdao and Shanghai suburbs were cultivated earlier, while other suburbs or vegetable processing bases had a small amount of cultivation. It is a kind of seasoning vegetable, which is mainly exported after preservation or processing, and is mainly exported to consumers in Japan and European countries. The root has a special spicy taste, containing allyl-based thiocyanate (C3H5CNS), and is ground and dried. It is prepared as a seasoning for boiled beef and creamy foods, or sliced ​​and canned. China has been used medicinally for diuresis and excitement. Modern research, it also has a strong anti-cancer effect.
The root has a pungent taste for seasoning or eating; the plants can be used as feed. Because horseradish is very pungent, it is advisable to wash, peel and grind the horseradish in a well-ventilated place and then mix it with other ingredients (eg yogurt, butter and vinegar) to make a sauce.
Horseradish sauce is a seasoning sauce for eggs, chicken and sausages. If it is served with smoked fish, the flavor is better.
Young leaves used to make salads