Peach tree gum disease is a non-invasive disease. The disease begins with the sap flow in the early spring, and is often found in branches or wounds, especially after the rain.
There are many reasons for the flow of peach trees, mainly due to frost, frostbite, and pests or mechanical wounds caused by insects such as longhorned cattle, giardia, and stinkbugs. If these wounds fail to heal in time, they will result in plastic flow. In 2001, the author instructed the use of scented water in 20 mu of low-old peach trees to prevent peach turbid fluid disease. The prevention rate was 95.2%, which was 11.7% higher than the control rate of 50% resistance and 300 times liquid resistance.
The specific method is: “Before the spring peach trees are not blooming, scrape the peach gum blocks with a scraper on the peach tree flow line, and use the medical gentian violet to apply wounds and wounds, once every 5 days, and even after three times, cure. .
The author also experimentally concluded that the use of 3% cresol guaiacol soluble liquid agent 1000 times and purple syrup alternately smear, control effect of 98.5%, fruit farmers may wish to try.
Products collected from living horses include mare's milk, used by people with large horse herds, such as the Mongols, who let it ferment to produce kumis. Horse blood was once used as food by the Mongols and other nomadic tribes, who found it a convenient source of nutrition when traveling. Drinking their own horses' blood allowed the Mongols to ride for extended periods of time without stopping to eat.The drug Premarin is a mixture of estrogens extracted from the urine of pregnant mares (pregnant mares' urine), and was previously a widely used drug for hormone replacement therapy.The tail hair of horses can be used for making bows for string instruments such as the violin, viola, cello, and double bass. They are also used
for shaving and cosmetics products. Tetanus vaccines are still made from
the blood of immunized horses.
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Jiangxi Institute of Biological Products Inc. ,