(1) Selection of male duck When the male duck is reared to 8 to 10 weeks old, the first primary election may be performed according to the appearance characteristics. After raising to 6 to 7 months of age, a second choice is made. At this time, individual sperm collection should be performed. Semen volume and semen quality should be taken as the criteria for determining the pros and cons. Semen should be milky white, and it should not be preserved if it is transparent and thin.
The specific selection criteria for male ducks:
1. The egg-type male duck head has large neck and large neck, large eyes, bright eyes, gods, wide and even, wide body, feathers close and shiny, sexual feathers clear, wings close to the body, rough and high, Health is solid, body weight meets standards, and secondary sexual characteristics are obvious. 2. The meat-type drake has a rectangular shape, a large head, a thick neck, a straight and wide back, a broad and slightly flat chest and abdomen, a slightly tall and thick leg, large and thick legs, two wings that do not turn over, and feathers that are clean and tidy , fast growth, body weight in line with standards, breeding ability.
(b) Selection of female ducks The female ducks are reared to 8 to 10 weeks of age and can perform the first primary election according to the appearance characteristics. After raising to 4 to 5 months of age, a second selection is made and the work is carried out until the breeding season starts from 6 to 7 months of age.
Specific selection criteria for female ducks:
1. Egg-type female duck head is of medium size, slender neck, bright eyes, long and straight eyes, long back, wide chest and abdomen, wide hindquarters, open pubis, dense feathers, two wings close to the body, The feet are slightly thick, thick, thick, healthy and moderate in body fat.
2. The meat-type female duck has a trapezoidal shape, a slightly short back, a short and thick leg, fine feathers, a fine head and neck, plump abdomen, open pubis, and strong fertility.
Blood System:
Blood system is also called circulatory system.
For the treatment of diseases of the circulatory system:
According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Because of its vastness and critical nature, it is one of the systems of the body most prone to disease.
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One of the most common diseases of the circulatory system is arteriosclerosis, in which the fatty deposits in the arteries causes the walls to stiffen and thicken the walls. According to the Mayo Clinic, the causes are a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other material in the artery walls. This can restrict blood flow or in severe cases stop it all together, resulting in a heart attack or stroke.
Stroke involves blockage of the blood vessels to the brain and is another major condition of the circulatory system, according to Mitchell Weinberg of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. [Risk factors include smoking, diabetes and high cholesterol," he noted.
Another circulatory disease, hypertension - commonly called high blood pressure - causes the heart to work harder and can lead to such complications as a heart attack, a stroke, or kidney failure, the NLM noted.
An aortic aneurysm occurs when the aorta is damaged and starts to bulge or eventually tear, which can cause severe internal bleeding. This weakness can be present at birth or the result of atherosclerosis, obesity, high blood pressure or a combination of these conditions, according to Weinberg.
Peripheral arterial disease (also known as PAD) typically involves areas of narrowing or blockage within an artery, according to Jay Radhakrishnan, an interventional radiologist in Houston, Texas. In addition, chronic venous insufficiency (also known as CVI) involves areas reflux (or backward flow) within the superficial veins of the lower extremities.
PAD is diagnosed with noninvasive testing including ultrasound, CT scan, and/or MRI. Ultrasound is the least expensive of these methods, but also gives the least amount of detail, as CT and MRI show a much higher degree of anatomic detail when identifying areas of narrowing/blockage within an artery. CVI is diagnosed with ultrasound as the venous reflux can be measured accurately by ultrasound, which ultimately guides treatment.
Blood System
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