Cold Storage Technology of Grape after Harvest

After the grapes are harvested, they are transported to the cold storage in time, and the temperature is lowered as soon as possible after storage. The storage temperature is 0 to 1°C and the relative humidity is 85% to 95%. The main problems that tend to occur when grapes are stored are dry branches, falling grains and rot. In the lower humidity, the fruit is not easy to rot, but it is easy to lose water shrinkage, dry stems and stems, easy to lose grain. The high humidity of the air can easily cause the growth of fungi and cause decay. In order to overcome the difficulties in both aspects, it is required to maintain a relatively high relative humidity in the cold storage and delay the drying out of the stems. At the same time, anti-corrosion measures are adopted to prevent the reproduction of fungi and to avoid fruit rot.
In cold storage, sulfur treatment is a commonly used method to improve the quality of grape storage. S02 has a strong inhibitory effect on common fungal diseases on grapes, such as Botrytis cinerea, and has no adverse effect on grapes as long as the dosage is suitable. In addition, the metabolism of the grapes treated with S02 was also inhibited. However, excessive S02 concentration will cause fruit bleaching.
With sulphur treatment, either direct fumigation with S02 or slow release of SO2 with bisulfite can be used, depending on the specific conditions. SO2 fumigation, after entering the cold storage basket or box of grapes stacked into a stack, covered with plastic film account, with 2 ~ 3g/m3 sulfur dose, so that it completely burned to generate S02, smoked 20 ~ 30min, and then opened Film account ventilation. After 10 to 15 days after smoking, it was smoked again once, and then it was separated every 1 to 2 months. This allows long-term storage at temperatures around 0°C and relative humidity above 90%. It is also possible to discharge SO2 directly from the cylinder.
Slow release of SO2 with bisulfite such as sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite, or sodium metabisulfite can also achieve the purpose of preservation and preservation. During the treatment, the bisulfite is firstly mixed with ground silica gel in a ratio of 2 to 3 parts of sulfite and 1 part of silica gel, and the mixture is packaged into small packets or pressed into small pieces. The drug may also be pre-padded to the separator of the double paper. 3~5g per package of mixed drugs, according to the weight of the grapes in the basket or box, according to the ratio of about 0.3% containing bisulfite into the mixed drug (Sodium metabisulfite released more than 502 sodium bisulfate, can use less ). Boxed grapes can be covered with 1-2 layers of paper on the grapes, and the mixture of small packets on paper, and then stacked, baskets of grapes should be mixed with mixed drugs and grapes, so that the grape to absorb SO2 evenly.
Due to different varieties and maturity, the grapes tolerate different SO2 concentrations. Generally, when the grapes are fumigated, SO2 in grapes is relatively safe at 10-20 mg/L. Therefore, the necessary tests should be carried out on a large scale for transportation or storage. Insufficient concentration can not achieve the purpose of antisepsis. If the concentration is too high, the fruit will fade and bleach. In severe cases, the fruit structure will also be damaged. In addition, S02 has a strong corrosive effect on metals such as iron, zinc, and aluminum. Therefore, mechanical devices in the cold storage should be protected by acid-resistant paint, and checked and cleaned after the grapes are released from the warehouse each year. SO2 has a strong irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and the eyes. Workers should wear protective masks to ensure safe production when entering or leaving the storehouse.

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