Techniques of picking seedlings from Porphyra yezoensis

1. Picking time The time for picking should be determined according to the specific development of the seedlings, that is, through shelling inspection or diffusion test. When the microscopic examination of the filaments is more than 30% "double points" and most of the cells under the lens shape rules, you can consider starting to pick seedlings; when the dispersion of 20,000 or more, you can also start picking seedlings. According to the experience of previous years, it is not advisable to determine the timing of shuckling and blind follow-up. It may cause that the shell spores may have been dispelled for a few days when the seedlings are harvested. The shell spores are lost in vain, that is, “run seedlings” or immature shell spores, and the optimum environment for shell spore formation after picking seedlings. Destroyed, after the stimulation of flowing water, shell spores can also be dispersed, but the individual shell spores are small, the quality is poor, the adhesion rate is low, and the growth of shell spores under the sea is poor.
2. Light Intensity The intensity of light has a great influence on the seedlings of the conchospores. Before the seedlings start, they must consider the factors of light. During the period of collecting the seedlings of the conchospores, we must control the light intensity of the seedlings in the nursery room at 3000 lx. the above. Some of the Wafang seaweed nursery rooms, or old shrimp crab nursery rooms used for seaweed seedlings, have poor light intensity. When the seedlings are picked, the lesser-quality shell spores are left in the water, and some shell spores are attached to the net curtain. The germination rate is slow, even if it does not germinate for a few hours. If the peak period of shell spore release just hits a rainy day, the effective utilization rate of the conchospores is even lower. It may be better if shell sporulation is performed in a transparent plastic film greenhouse that is convenient for ventilation and dimming.
In addition, in order to prevent the conidia from picking seedlings, the filaments do not see light for a long time, resulting in the formation of shell spore pigment, individual small, low adhesion rate. Must be combined in the afternoon to pull nets, shells, etc., so that the filaments on the shell see the light culture 3 ~ 4h.
3, water temperature porphyra shell spore seedlings, seasonal strong, in order to ensure the seedlings net curtain at the best time to the sea. Conidial seedlings should be basically completed before October 5. At the same time, in order to ensure that the seedlings can be carried out smoothly and increase the effective utilization of conchospores, the daily water temperature drop should be controlled between 0.5°C and 1°C. The optimum water temperature for the conidial culture of the fruit spores is 18°C~23°C. The free filamentous body is the most suitable for the release and attachment of the spores. The water temperature is generally 17 °C ~ 21 °C.
There is a very important link in the process of collecting spores of the conchospores, that is, the temperature difference. The greater the decrease in temperature difference, the greater the amount of disintegration of the conchospores, but this does not mean that the amount of seedlings is more, because the greater the temperature difference is (above 1.5°C). ) The more sporadic sporozoite malformations are released, the less able the spores to adhere. Pay attention to the weather every day to prevent the cold air from suddenly going south, causing the water temperature of the nursery to fall too much. During picking, the water temperature will rise slightly and the amount of conchospores will decrease. Therefore, we must try our best to prevent the water temperature from picking up during the seedling collection period. As a general rule, the water in the nursery pond should not be changed during the harvest period. Because the water temperature of the sedimentation tank is higher than the water temperature of the nursery pool, changing the water affects the amount of disintegration of the conchospores on the next day or even several days. When the shells are dirty and the seedlings are not smooth, the water can be changed, or the number of shell spores on rainy days can be prevented. Dispersion, causing the loss of shell spores, change the water from 4:00 to 5:00 in rainy days (when changing the water, do not expose the shells to the surface as much as possible), and artificially increase the water temperature in Miaochi.
4, flush
4.1 Purpose To stir up the connate shell spores from the bottom of the tank so that the conchospores are in full contact with the mesh curtain, adhere and germinate. The flushing removes the floating mud and other attachments on the shells, which facilitates the release of shell spores from the shell surface. The flushing stimulated the shell spores to mature and release, shortening the time of collecting spores. It is inaccurate to think that flushing is for the purpose of spraying conch spores onto the net.
4.2 Methods to improve flushing effect Most nursery manufacturers currently use 1.3-2.5cm pumps, the intensity of flushing is not enough, can not fully achieve the purpose of pump flushing, a large number of shell spores are wasted, prolonged the time of shell spore collection And even missed the best time for the curtain to go to the sea. I believe that the use of large pumps 3.8 ~ 5.1cm for shell spores. Picking seedlings works well; if you use a 1.3-2.5cm small water pump, you have to select a pump with a large force. If you feel that the pump is not strong enough, you can add a small bamboo Tube to the outlet of the flushing tube. Increase the flushing power of the pump. If necessary, you can use several pumps together to flush a pool. It is worth noting that the amount of flushing is too large to promote the massive release of shell spores, but the rate of attachment of shell spores is not high. I once put 10 square meters of seashell filaments on the seashore to wash seawater overnight. The next morning, the amount of shell spores reached 10 million, but the amount of seedlings was not proportional to the amount of shedding, and shell spores were subsequently scattered for several days. The amount is low and the volume of seedlings is low; for example, the shells of the filaments during the seedlings are transported to another place for picking seedlings, and the shells of the filaments are subjected to severe bumps. On the first morning of the new place, the shell spores are scattered. High volume. However, the amount of seedlings collected is not high, and the number of seedlings collected from shell spores is not high for several consecutive days.
4.3 The flushing time In order to promote the constipation to concentratively disperse a large amount of time as early as possible, 2 to 3 days before the seedlings are collected, while the ventilation is cooling down, the water pump shall be used to stimulate the water at night. Normal picking time per day is 6:00 to 11:00, the specific picking time. According to the amount of shell spores and weather conditions, peak discharge, the flushing time can be extended up to 15:00, when the rain In the morning, the flush time in the morning can be delayed until after 9:00.
5. The specific gravity of seawater is within a suitable proportion. The higher the specific gravity, the better the effect of conchospores and the higher the effective utilization rate of shell spores. In Lianyungang area, the proportion of seawater from seedlings is 1.020 to 1.024. In the Nantong area of ​​Jiangsu Province. Many nursery factories adjust the proportion of seawater in the shell spores to 1.018 to 1.020, which is considered to be the best for seawater harvesting. The author began to think that this may be a regional feature. After several years of service in the local seaweed nursery service, the author did not approve of this view, considering that the optimal proportion of seawater for seedling collection should be 1.020 to 1.024. In areas such as Yancheng, when the shell spores were harvested, the local seawater was weighed less than 1.015. Some manufacturers added salt or old brine to the sea water in order to increase the salinity of seawater collected from seedlings. The effect was not satisfactory. When cultivating seaweed seedlings in Yancheng coastal area, the author used the original brine to adjust the proportion of seawater collected from the seedlings, and the effect was very good.
6, net curtain out of time and hold time
6.1 Out-of-pool time In the peak period of conchosporidium seedlings, the net-screen of the pool should be kept in the original seedling pool for more than 15 minutes, and then the spores on the net-screen should germinate and then emerge out of the pond. Many manufacturers worry about netting more time in the seedling pool. As a result, more conchospores are attached to the net curtain, affecting the next batch of net seedlings, so once checking the density of shell spores Enough, and regardless of whether it sprouts or not, forced the net curtain out of the pool, because the emergence rate is too fast, after the net curtain goes to sea, the empty net is a common thing. In fact, when the density of shell spores on the screen reaches the requirements for collecting seedlings, the flushing is stopped for a period of time. Most of the unattached shell spores sink to the bottom of the pool. The shell spores on the screen are elongated and germinate. The net curtain nets will not affect the harvesting of the next batch of net curtains.
6.2 Net curtains The net curtains raised out of the pool shall be raised temporarily if they cannot be placed in the sea. At present, the commonly used holding method is to pack the net curtain and immerse it in a pool for raising. The author believes that the net curtain is hung in the shade, and the regular curtain is used to keep the net curtain moist. It is also a better way to maintain the screen.

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