About pear storage conditions introduced

It is generally considered that the temperature slightly above the freezing point is the ideal storage temperature of the fruit. The freezing temperature of pears is -2.1°C, but Chinese pears are crispy meat and should not be frozen during storage. Otherwise, the flesh brittleness of thawing will quickly decline, and the flavor and quality will deteriorate. The suitable storage temperature of Chinese pears is 0~1°C, and the storage of the modified atmosphere can be slightly higher. The optimum storage temperature for most varieties of pear systems is -1 to 0°C, and only after -1°C can significantly suppress postharvest and prolong shelf life. Some varieties such as Yam pear are relatively sensitive to low temperature, and they are easily stored at 0°C after harvesting. They are susceptible to cold damage, and they are required to maintain a suitable low temperature after slow cooling. Under the condition of refrigerating, the suitable humidity for storing pears is relative humidity of 90% to 95%. Because of the high temperature in the normal temperature database, in order to reduce decay, the air humidity may be lower, and it is preferable to maintain the relative humidity of 85% to 90%. Most pear varieties, due to their own histological characteristics, are prone to losing water during storage and causing wilting and weightlessness. At higher humidity, they can reduce evapotranspiration, water loss, and maintain fresh quality.
Many studies have shown that, with the exception of pears, the vast majority of pear varieties are not as suitable for air-conditioned storage as apples, and they are particularly sensitive to CO2. Such as pear, when the environment CO2 concentration is higher than 1%, it will cause damage to the fruit. Therefore, suitable storage techniques should be established according to the characteristics of pears during storage.

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