The principle of rearing and management of velvet deer

I. Feeding principle 1. Combine the nutritional needs of the deer and supply the feed properly during different production periods. Deer is a seasonal estrus animal, and the production period is very obvious. The deer's estrus breeding, detachment, antler, ossification and ewes breeding, pregnancy, calving, and breastfeeding have obvious seasonality. The nutritional requirements of deer have changed greatly in different physiological periods. For example, the adult male deer in the velvet period and the mating period have different requirements for protein nutrition. The protein nutrition of the deer during the production period needs to be higher, and only meets its suitability. The nutritional needs of the deer in order to maximize its virginity. 2. Rough feed combined with feeding. Deer belong to ruminants, and in wild conditions, they mainly eat the leaves of plants and the leaves, flowers and fruits of a large number of herbaceous plants. Under artificial breeding conditions, straw, tree branches and silage of various crops can be fed together with feed concentrate to maximize the potential of deer production. In the production, it should be combined with roughage feed, and it should not be fed with concentrate only for the sake of swiftness. Otherwise, it is not conducive to the ruminal fermentation of the rut and hinders the effective use of feed. When feeding compound feed, it is necessary to make full use of a wide range of feed sources and try to adopt a variety of feed combinations to satisfy both. Deer nutritional needs, but also reduce feed costs, 2. Feed as diverse as possible to ensure the full price of nutrition. Each single feed provides limited amounts of nutrients. For example, corn is mainly an energy feed. Its protein content is relatively low. If corn is used for single feeding, deer protein deficiency will be caused. To ensure the full price of deer nutrition, especially to ensure the nutrition of trace elements and vitamins, it is very important to use multiple feeds for feeding. The use of a variety of feeds for breeding will also increase the palatability of the diet and increase the utilization of feed. 4. Adhere to regular feeding procedures. The deer's life program is very regular, and the deer's daily intake, drinking, rest, and rumination are regular. In the production management, it is necessary to follow the rules of the deer's life. Regularly and quantitatively feed the roughage daily, and don't change it easily. The feeding system enables the deer to establish conditioned reflexes. This will not only help the deer to regularly secrete digestive juices, promote the digestion and absorption of feed, but also conducive to the stability of deer herds, and promote the growth of deer and deer antler. 5. Change the feed to follow Zhejiang. Due to the different feed resources in each season, and the different nutritional needs of deer in different seasons, the change of feed in production is inevitable. Changes in the type and composition of feeds should be carried out gradually. Sudden changes in the composition and type of feed can easily cause deer indigestion, illness, or even food refusal. Deer has a certain habit of feeding on feed. The microbes in the rumen of ruminant also have relative adaptability to their living environment. When changing feed, only gradual changes can make adaptability process of rumen microbes and digestive function. Feeding of new feeds should start with a small amount, depending on the degree of feeding and habits. 6. Apply deer additive products. In China, deer cultivation is dominated by captivity, and the diversity of feed is difficult to fully meet. The commonly used feed can not meet all the nutritional needs of deer, especially the needs of mineral elements and vitamins, while the lack of mineral elements and vitamins is It is the main reason for deer productivity decline and low disease resistance. The occurrence of other deer nutritional diseases is also due to the lack of mineral elements and vitamins. The addition of deer additive products will increase the resistance of the deer to diseases, avoid the occurrence of nutritional diseases, and effectively improve the production efficiency. 7. Provide sufficient drinking water. Clean and cool well water should be supplied during high temperatures in summer, and warm water should be provided in winter. In short, drinking water should be guaranteed for 24 hours so that the deer can drink water freely. Second, management principles 1. Reasonable layout, group management. The reasonable layout of the living area of ​​the deer farm, the production area, and the feeding and management of the male and female deer and deer in the production area can effectively avoid unnecessary production damage and give play to the deer's production performance. The deer farm should be built in a sunny place with a certain slope, separating the living area from the production area. In the production area, the male deer should be kept in the upwind deer's house, the deer should be in the downwind deer's house, and the young deer should be in the middle. This can avoid the smell of the doe during the estrus period and stimulate the production group deer to cause death and death. The male and female deer should be reared in groups. At the same time, deer breeding, reserve deer, and deer-eating should also be reared in groups so as to avoid the phenomenon of bullying and bullying between the deer and achieve normal production. 2. Keep the deer's environment quiet and comfortable. The deer farm should generally be built in a sunny area away from downtown. The deer is naturally timid and scared. When he hears unusual sounds or sees foreign objects, he can become nervous, have a heartbeat and breath, and even cause panic, squeaking and frying, causing deer to die. In the deer puerperium and doe calving season, it is necessary to maintain a quiet production environment to reduce the occurrence of dystocia and declining velvet caused by scaring. At the same time, the grass should be draped in the stilts so that the doe will be able to maintain the quiet and comfort of the sheds during the management of the doe, and to minimize external unpleasant stimuli. 3. Strengthen health and epidemic prevention. Hygiene and epidemic prevention are important guarantees for the success of deer conservation. Under normal circumstances, deer have good resistance to disease and rarely have diseases or deaths, but once it is difficult to control it. Deer farms should focus on disease prevention, prevention and control, and strengthen the sanitation and epidemic prevention of deer farms. They often clean their houses and keep their pens dry and clean. At the same time, they should be disinfected on a regular basis and be given vaccines in combination with the local characteristics of the site. The deer suffering from infectious diseases should be treated in isolation. At the same time, an epidemic prevention pool should be set up at the gate of the deer farm to maintain the disease prevention mentality, minimize contact with the outside world, adhere to a strict health and epidemic prevention system, and continuously decontaminate the deer so that the entire deer population can always maintain. health status. 4. The appropriate density, adhere to exercise. Deer activity is very strong in wild conditions, and its vitality is very strong. In captivity, due to the limited space for activities, food does not need to be searched, and it is easy to reduce physical fitness and reduce disease resistance due to reduced exercise. The proper density of deer should be maintained in captivity, and the density will hinder the movement of the deer and increase the chance of top fight. At the same time, production management is also inconvenient. Generally, there are 20 to 25 male deer per group, 15 to 20 doe per group, and 35 to 40 deer and juvenile deer each. Depending on the size of the house, the deer should be kept as convenient as possible. Big event space. Adequate exercise can improve the deer's semen quality, enhance the deer's physique and disease resistance, but also reduce the doe's dystocia, which is conducive to the deer's development. Therefore, timely promotion of the deer's movement to strengthen the deer's movement is good for keeping the deer's health. effect. 5. Observe the deer and strengthen domestication. Deer has any disease, it must have its own physical manifestations, so it is very important to observe the deer to keep a good deer. Attention should be paid to the deer's feeding conditions, mental status, faecal color, whether the nose and lips are dry, and whether the rumination is normal, etc. Abnormalities should be promptly taken effective measures to deal with. At the same time, the domestication of deer must be strengthened in the management of deer, especially the domestication of deer. Domesticated deer is easy to get close to people, bold and good management, whether it is grazing, ring adjustment or in an abnormal situation, domesticated deer damage less, play a more complete performance.

Vitex /chaste tree is a native of China, it blooms from late spring until early fall with long, upright spikes of pink, lilac and white flowers. Its pleasant fragrant flowers and foliage attract butterflies and bees, and it makes an excellent honey plant. Wildlife shuns the seeds, and it`s just as well because you`ll have to remove the flower spikes before they go to seed to keep the plant flowering. Chaste Tree Cultivation Chaste trees need full sun and very well-drained soil. It`s best not to plant them in soil that is rich in organic matter because organically rich soils hold too much moisture close to the roots. Chaste trees do very well in xeric gardens where water is scarce. Once established, you`ll probably never have to water a chaste tree. Inorganic mulch, such as pebbles or stones, allows the soil to dry between rains. Avoid using organic mulches such as bark, shredded wood or straw. Fertilize the plant every year or two with general-purpose fertilizer. Chaste trees freeze and die back to ground level during severe weather. This isn`t a cause for concern because they regrow quickly from the roots. Nurseries sometimes prune the plant into a small tree by removing some of the main stems and all of the lower branches; but when it regrows, it will be a multi-stemmed shrub. You`ll need to prune annually to control the shape and size and encourage branching. In addition, you should remove the flower spikes when the blossoms fade. Allowing the seeds that follow the flowers to mature reduces the number of flower spikes late in the season.

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