Pond sea cucumber healthy breeding technology

Sea area conditions According to the needs of the living environment of sea cucumber, the test pond was built in the west of the village of Yangge Village. The water depth of this sea area is 2-3m, and the perennial water temperature varies between 1.5-28°C. Sandy mud is the main source of sediment, and there is no industrial sewage and domestic sewage injected into the sea for a long time. There are natural aquatic algae and other aquatic plants in the sea area.
2 Cofferdams for pond construction According to the requirements of the healthy culture of sea cucumber, it is necessary to throw stones to build the pond and build a standard pond with 80 acres. A total of 18,000 m3 was thrown into stone, and a sea cucumber, aquaculture, and aquaculture stichopus healthy culture test ponds were established. In order to facilitate the clear pool, the reefs in the Tangnai Formation are ridge-type, and are thrown into stone along the “韭”-shaped frame. The reefs are 2.5m wide and 1.2m high, and the reef ridge length is 3,580m. The west side of the pond is adjacent to the sea, and there are two high and low inlet and outlet gates. The low gate gate clears the pool for drainage. The base of the gate is flush with the lowest tide surface. At the base of the high gate, it is difficult to use a half-tide surface, and natural tidal waves can be naturally generated in the pool using the tidal range. Both high and low gates can be manually controlled. In addition, a set of 1 set of drainage pump units is specially set up adjacent to the sea to prepare for emergency use. After the pond is built, the pond water will be discharged with a low gate at low tide, and the rest of the water pump will be drained to remove the enemy pests of sea cucumber, sea bream, Japanese starfish and other sea cucumbers. Leveling the bottom of the pool, mu is disinfected with 70kg of lime powder. After 1 week, Mushi Fermented chicken manure 1000kg, water 50cm, fertilizer and water for 60 days, until the water quality is stable, the pond benthic diatoms multiply, began to put thorn ginseng seedlings.
3 Sources of seedlings and seedlings of sea cucumbers are derived from natural harvesting and artificial breeding. The size and size of natural seedlings are not uniform, generally 3 to 10 cm in length. Before the seedlings were released, they were kept for 3 to 5 days, sorted and screened, and the disabled seedlings were removed and quickly put into the culture ponds. The artificially cultivated seedlings are cultured in the middle until they reach 5cm or more into the pool.
From May 6th to June 8th, 1998, we injected natural resources of 196,000 sea cucumbers into the pond in 8 batches, and randomly placed 8 test cages in the pond. The cages were put into the same stocking density as the ponds. The sea cucumber seedlings were used to observe the survival rate and growth of sea cucumbers. One batch of sea cucumber seedlings was injected and tested once a day after 15 days. Eight batches of sea cucumbers were tested and the average survival rate was 97.6%. The healthy growth conditions were good. From August 16 to 22 of the same year, 282,000 artificially-cultivated seedlings were also purchased. After being cultivated for two months in the middle, when the sea cucumber was more than 5 cm long, they were placed in aquaculture ponds and the survival rate was 96.8 by the same test method. %. In the year, a total of 478,000 heads of sea cucumber were introduced, and the average survival rate was 97.2%. The average number of sea cucumber seedlings administered per square meter in the breeding pond was approximately 9 or so.
4 Rearing and management of sea cucumber seeds After entering the feeding and management stage, the main task of the sea cucumber is to feed the feed and regulate the daily water quality.
4.1 Feeding of bait should be evenly fed to the culture pond at regular intervals every 2 days, including 50% of starch, 20% of sea mud, 8% of fishmeal and 22% of algae powder, and the amount of feed matching should be 10% of the total amount of sea cucumber. about. In order to maintain the stability of water quality and enrich the food, a truss was erected on the ridge-type artificial reef in the pond, and kelp and seaweed were cultured. At the same time, algae and other species of algae were transplanted into the pond to create a good habitat for the healthy culture of sea cucumber. place.
4.2 Preventive measures To prevent the occurrence of diseases, one disinfection drug is used every half month, and the whole pool is splashed at low tide, which can play a good preventive effect.
4.3 Water Quality Control In order to prevent floating garbage and floating oil from entering the pond to pollute the pool water, three floating rafts and oil screens are set up in the influent channel to intercept floating garbage and oil. Technicians insist on observing the water quality in the pool every day. During the high-temperature period, water quality tests are performed once every 7 days. When the weather is low and heavy and rainy, the pool of water pumps is turned on in time to prevent the salinity of ponds from decreasing and desalinated.
4.4 The temperature control and oxygen increase are from mid July to early September, which is the Longkou high temperature season. Breeders will use the 8-horsepower fishing boat to surf regularly at high speed in the pond from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. every day to facilitate oxygenation and cooling, and prevent the sea cucumber from suffocating due to lack of oxygen. In addition, we used the pond to drill two seawater wells to cool the water in the pool during the high temperature period.
4.5 In addition to doing the above work well, the healthy breeding of sea cucumbers and sea cucumbers in the patrol ponds is also provided with dedicated staff to watch the ponds for years. One is to observe and record the food intake and health status of sea cucumber, and the second is to find that the sea cucumber that is adsorbed on the exposed stone wall should be returned to the water in time to prevent it from being dried for too long. Especially in rainy weather, sea cucumber should not be dried. Lu, because rain can cause thorns to die. At the same time, care must be taken to prevent lawbreakers from stealing sea cucumber.
4.6 The test technicians regularly conduct periodical tests and records on the sea cucumbers kept in ponds every month. After one year of healthy culture of sea cucumbers, individual fresh weight can reach about 37-130 g, and the average weight is 36.7 g. The growth condition is good. .
5 Harvest and Benefits
In 2001, it was the third year of healthy culture of sea cucumber. The body weight of sea cucumber has reached the commodity standard and entered the harvest period. We decided to capture large and small animals in a ratio of 3:1, to harvest the sea cucumbers that meet the specifications of the product, and to keep the individual smaller stichopus one after another. Prior to the arrest, the city's aquatic experts were invited to conduct inspection and acceptance, and measured 8.6 snouts per m2, minimum fresh weight 82 g, maximum fresh weight 2523 g, average fresh weight 162 g, and average carcass 71.7 g.
It is estimated that the fresh weight of the thorny sap in the mu is more than 928kg, and the thorned sea cucumber is 24t in the 80mu pond, worth 1.68 million yuan, and the economic benefit is very considerable.

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