Pigeon cultivation techniques

Pigeon breeding is the last link in the production of meat pigeons, and it is also the most important link in determining the weight and grade of pigeons. Only meticulous care, the pigeons can grow normally, increase productivity and obtain higher economic benefits. This article talks about the cultivation of pigeons from the aspects of the growth and development of pigeons and the feeding and management of pigeons.
Growth characteristics Pigeons are late birds. The newly hatched pigeon was weak in body and only wore new born feathers. His eyes could not be opened and he could not walk or feed on his own. He could only survive by breeding with pigeons. The pigeon stage has a fast growth rate and a high feed conversion ratio (2:1). For example, the growth rate of the king pigeon is: 16 to 22 grams of shell weight, 147 grams of 1 week old, 378 grams of 2 weeks old, 446 grams of 3 weeks old, 607 grams of 4 weeks old, and 610 grams of 30 days old. The growth speed of the hybrid king pigeon is: the average weight of the hatched shell is about 19 grams, 152 grams for one week old, 363 grams for 2 weeks old, 462 grams for 3 weeks old, 545 grams for 4 weeks old, and can be opened at the age of 4 days. Eyes can walk slowly around 10 days of age.
Feeding management Due to the above reasons, the following points should be noted in the feeding and management of pigeons.
1. Feeding the pro birds with sufficient feed and health sand Since the pigeons (0 to 1 month old) are reared on the pro pigeons and the pigeons grow faster during this period, it is guaranteed to provide sufficient diets for the pro pigeons. Health sand is the key to maintaining the normal growth of pigeons. The pro pigeons generally feed one meal in the afternoon and feed it on the job, and intend to leave a small amount of feed to supplement the stocking pigeons before the next shift. Checking the cages before off duty, the bred breeders basically finish the feeds that are dropped; the non-bred breeders are often unable to finish their feed, and the majority of the remaining breeds are legume feeds (doves need self-regulation of their protein needs Ability). At this time, the small amount of feed that was intentionally left was added to the breeding pigeons together with the feed left by the non-raising pigeons. This is both practical and scientific and does not waste feed.
2. Adjusting the relatives of the pro- and pigeon-feeding pigeons There are individual pro-pigeons (especially the first-time breeders). The pigeons are not fed to the pigeons 4 to 5 hours after they are out of the shells. Adjustments should be made at this time. That is, the mouth of the pigeon is carefully inserted into the mouth of the pro-pigeon. After many repetitions, the pro-pigeon is usually nurtured. If breastfeeding is not done after adjustment, the pigeons should be transferred out and nested. If the person is unable to nurse due to illness, the pigeons can be transferred and nested in addition to the timely isolation and treatment of the relatives. In production practice, such examples are extremely rare.
3. Position of changing the pigeons In the natural incubation conditions, the first pigeon that emerges from the shell usually grows faster. In addition, some of the parent birds feed the same pigeon at a time. The one that was fed first grew faster. Encounter the above situation, should be in the 6-7 days before eating it in the position of their nest in the swap. In this way, the pro-pigeon may feed the weak one first, so that the smaller one may catch up with the big one. It is also possible to feed the faster-growing pigeons artificially every day, while the younger ones are fed by the parent pigeons. In this way, the small pigeons will grow faster. However, this method is not easy to achieve in production. After the pigeons have stood up and walked, it is better to match them with other nests of similar size or single-day-olds that are of similar age, and to pair them together.
4. Blending pigeons and chicks is one of the effective measures to increase the fertility of breeders. Because after rearing, the breeder without the breed can produce 1 nest egg about 10 days earlier and shorten the laying period. The breeder's egg production rate can be increased by about 50%. Production practice has proven that 1 pair of breeding pigeons can raise 3 pigeons, and this practice is only promoted under good management conditions and discontinuous feeding conditions. Otherwise, the breeding pigeons will produce no eggs and soft eggs within a few months. Shell eggs and misshapen eggs because this practice violates the laws of nature and impairs the physiological function of the pigeons.
According to the above principle, only one breeding pigeon or one pair of pigeons in one nest will have only one remaining due to halfway death. They can be merged into other single or double nests of the same or similar age and size. Feeding. In doing so, it is possible to avoid the phenomenon of food accumulation in the sac due to the fact that only one squab is often fed by the pro pigeons. If it is not advisable to merge, the progeny of the pigeons should be properly reduced, and the pigeons should be given stomachic herbs.
Encounter the following conditions, if conditions permit, you can also be younger. The pigeons hatched for 13 to 15 days. Early and high-yielding pro-pigeons rearranged their eggs. After the laying of the eggs, the relatives of the pro-pigeon pigeons did not feed. If inconvenient and young, artificial feed should be fed. The artificial feeding method is to steam the beans and energy feeds and wash the mucus with cold boiled water, then feed by hand. In addition, due to the tender skin of the 2 weeks old pigeons, pigeons should be protected from bruises or bruises during inspections.
5. Adding health sand In the nursing phase, in addition to providing the pro-pigeon with health sand all day long, it is also necessary to manually feed the pigeons with granular health-care sand. At the age of 5 days, they were fed once a day and each time they were fed (grain size), they increased appropriately as the age increased. After 10 days of age, feed 2 times a day, feeding 2-3 capsules each time. Although this is troublesome, it can make up for the imperfect digestive function of the pigeon, keeping its gastrointestinal tract vigorously digested and well-absorbed, promoting the pigeon's normal growth and development, and raising its export grade.
6. Keep the nest clean and dry The pigeon stage needs to replace the litter for 1 or 2 times. Otherwise, the nest plate will accumulate a large amount of feces. The litter will be stinking and wormy, and the pigeon is susceptible to disease and even death. Trichomonas, for example, are often infected by moist litter. Only the cleanliness of the nest plate can ensure the health of the pigeon. At the same time, to prevent the pro-pigeon from raining and bathing, do not allow the pigeons to come into contact with the wet environment. The boring and wet sheds made the pigeons susceptible to cold and should be ventilated and breathable.
The pigeon's time to market The pigeon's time to market is generally around 22 to 30 days old, and has a direct relationship with the variety. The pigeons with a large number of pigeon-type pigeons are listed earlier, but they are listed later. If they are not listed on the market for more than 30 days, they will lose 4% to 6% weight loss due to abnormal feed intake after the pigeons are removed from their parents and reduce the export level.

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