Preservation of Fresh Fish - Storage Tips

1. In addition to visceral saline immersion method: The viscera of fish can be hollowed out without washing or scaling, and soaked in 10% saline to preserve for several days without deterioration. 2. mustard preservation method: Take appropriate amount of mustard applied to the surface of the fish body and cavity (have been opened), or evenly sprinkled around the container of the fish, and then put the fish and mustard in a closed container, can be stored for 3 days Deterioration. 3. Hot water treatment method: After the fresh fish is removed from the entrails, it is placed in the unopened hot water (80-90 degrees), and it is removed after a while. At this time, the appearance of the fresh fish has turned white. When stored on ice, the storage time of fresh fish that has not been treated with hot water can be doubled. 4. Steam treatment method: The fresh fish is cleaned, cut into a shape suitable for cooking, and then put into a breathable plastic bag. After the entire bag of fish is sterilized in hot steam, it can be kept fresh for 2-3 days. 5. Alcohol treatment method: Open the mouth of fresh fish, drip the liquor into the mouth, and put it in a cool and ventilated place to prevent spoilage. Cut several knives on the fresh fish and then pour the appropriate amount of beer into the fish and into the cavity of the fish to preserve the freshness before cooking. 6. Live fish freezing method: The fish is directly frozen in a freezer or freezer. Take out the thawing when you are ready to eat. The fish is fresh like a live fish.

Lycium sweet nature, Ping, owned by the liver and kidney, with nourishing liver and kidney, Liver eyesight effect, often with Rehmannia, chrysanthemum, yam, cornus and other drugs with the use. Modern medical research shows that it contains the carotene, betaine, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., with increased white blood cell activity and promote hepatocyte regeneration pharmacological effects of modern pharmacological experiments show that: Wolfberry has enhanced immune function, inhibition of tumor, lowering blood sugar, lipid-lowering, anti-fatigue and other functions. "Materia Medica remarks," that medlar can make "gas can be filled, blood can make up, Yang can be health, Yin can be long, rheumatoid can go, there are ten wonderful Yan." In the "Compendium of Materia Medica," the main Chinese wolfberry Efficacy summarized as "Kidney, lungs, eyesight," concise, in line with reality. Kidney Yin deficiency, lack of liver blood, causing Yaoxisuanruan, dizziness, tinnitus, nocturnal emission embolism, should use medlar.



Goji Powder 


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Any inquiry would be replied within 2 hours on working days!

Production Specification Sheet

Product Name

Goji Powder

Country of Origin

Ningxia in China




Product Name

FD Goji Powder

SD Goji Powder


Orange-yellow or Orange-red

Organoleptic Inspection


Characteristic, no other odor

Organoleptic Inspection



Organoleptic Inspection


Fine particles or powder, slightly caking

Organoleptic Inspection


No visible foreign material

Organoleptic Inspection

Loss on drying/Moisture(%)

NMT 10.0

NMT 8.0


Total Sugar(glucose%)

NLT 40.0

NLT 20.0



NLT 4.0

NLT 4.0


Leads(Pb) mg/kg

NMT 0.5

NMT 1.0


Arsenic(As) mg/kg

NMT 0.3

NMT 0.5


Total Plate Count(cfu/g)

NMT 30000



NMT 90

NMT 30



NMT 25

NMT 20



NMT 25

NMT 20




GB4789.4, GB4789.5, GB4789.10, GB/T4789.11


Shelf Life

12 months if stored in a cool ventilated dry place


It should be stored under cool, well ventilated, and dry condition


Internal: Double composite bag. External: Carton




Goji Powder

Herbal Goji Berry,Wolfberry Powder,Goji Berry Extract Powder,Goji Berry Freeze Dried Powder

Ningxia Wolfberry Goji Industry Co.,ltd ,

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