Several key measures for spring brooding

Chicks are chickens from the hatchlings to the 6-week old incubating stage. Chicks are vulnerable to external conditions. In spring, the climate is dry, the temperature rises, the illumination time is longer, and the chicks are easy to survive. Therefore, spring is the golden season for young chicks. However, there are several key measures that need to be taken to cultivate the spring chicks:
1 Disinfection The thoroughbred brooding room should be thoroughly disinfected with 1:400 antivirus or 2% caustic soda one week before the chicks enter.
2 Chicks that are selected for transportation in a timely manner are best transported safely to the rearing place within a maximum of 36 hours within 24 hours after hatching.
3 After drinking water, drink water first to promote yolk absorption and meconium efflux; open food is generally performed within 12 to 24 hours. Premature yolk absorption is not complete, too late is prone to collapse.
4 Prolong the light from 1 to 3 days of age and extend the light to 23 to 24 hours a day so that the chicks are familiar with drinking water and eating.
5 Insulation should keep up with 35°C for 0-3 weeks, and then drop 3°C every week until it is the same as room temperature.
6 Humidity should be kept within 1 to 10 days of indoor relative humidity of 70%, 10 days after the relative humidity of 55% to 65% is appropriate.
7 The ventilation should be regularly ventilated to ensure that the brooding room is fresh air. Generally noon window ventilation, it is best to shake the first window ventilation, cold weather note windshield.
8 disease to prevent the subcutaneous vaccination of Marek vaccine 1 day, and add 0.02% terramycin or other antibiotics in drinking water to prevent chicken whitefly; 3 days of drinking water to add 0.2% sulfadiazine anticoccidial; 9 ~ 10 Day-old chicken Newcastle disease II or IV seedlings drinking water immunity.

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