Chicory has become the preferred high quality pasture for rabbits due to its many advantages. 1. High nutritional value. The dry matter of chicory contains 20% to 25% of crude protein, 5% of crude fat, 12% of crude fiber, 14% of crude ash, 35% of nitrogen-free extract, 1.5% of calcium, and 0.5% of phosphorus. Vitamins and minerals. After being eaten for a period of time, the rabbit was bright and the quality of wool fibers was significantly improved. 2. Use a long time. Chicory is a perennial herb that can be used continuously for 15 years. Spring return to early morning, late winter dormancy, summer normal growth in the hot season, leaves remain dark green during the winter -8 °C ~ -10 °C, the annual supply of green period up to 8 months (April ~ November), each 0.067 hectares produce 20,000 to 30,000 kilograms of fresh grass every year. 3. Good palatability. The leaves of chicory are tender, soft, cool and delicious. Rabbits are particularly fond of eating. If chicory is used to feed rabbits together with other pastures, the rabbit prefers chicory. 4. Resist pests and diseases. Chicory has no other diseases except that it is prone to rot in the low-lying land. Its pest-resistant performance is more unique, and the growers have not yet discovered that chicory had any pests. The suitable sowing date for chicory is from March to April or July to October each year. Before sowing, the land should be leveled and basal fertiliser should be applied. Every 0.067 hectares of farmland fertilizer should be 3,000 kg. Seeding method: generally use seedling transplanting, about 150 grams per 0.067 hectares. Chicory can be cut and used when the plant height is about 0.4 meters. The stubble height is 0.02 to 0.03 meters. Usually about 25 days, 1 cut, and every 0.067 hectare after castration requires 5 kg of urea.
Shaanxi Kang New Pharmaceutical co., Ltd. ,